SwiftCat4208 co-host application

Prerequisite checklist:

- Have you participated in at least a few events on the Event server before?:
Sometimes yes i have before june
- Do you have Discord downloaded and are competent with it?:
No i do not sadly i don’t do any discord stuff


IGN: SwiftCat4208

Age: 13

Timezone: GTM-4

Can you use a microphone? No i can’t

When can you be available to help host events each week?
about 2pm-6pm
What do you think your reputation is like within the community?
My Reputation would be like helping out people and doing the right thing.
Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?
i am interested in the role well i like the event servers and it’s just i love seeing stuff and going around the world.
Do you have any past experience with plugins such as WorldGuard/WorldEdit?
i do only on my aternos servers
How well can you work with a team in a formal/professional environment?
by helping them out and doing as they’re told to do
Anything you want to add: Sure and i would say i love you all :slight_smile:

Hey the co-host applications is closed for now. You may apply when it’s open.