[SURVIVAL] Best Base Competition - Judged by BadBoyHalo!

Name of Build: Monesteir’s Retreat
Build Coordinates: -9473 76 -9215
Team Members IGN’s: Monesteir, Nadis_Nadis
Favourite Moment in S3: For me, I joined Surv at a very difficult time in my life and my fondest memory of S3 will always be getting to meet and make so many wonderful and amazing friends that allowed me to wake up with something to look forward to when nothing else did.

For Nadis_Nadis, she was blown away the first time she saw how kind the younger players were. She says that is a moment that repeated itself many times.

P.s. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the players/mods that have made S3 such an amazing and awesome place to play. I feel humbled to be a part of this community and can’t thank you all enough for letting me be a part of it.

P.p.s The build is on the corner of a claim and it’s just the one house plus adjacent maparts that I’m submitting.