SUPER_duck11's Helper application (winter 2023)

IGN: SUPER_duck11

Age: 13

Timezone: mst

How active can you be per week?: 6am-3pm ever day

Do you have any punishments on our network? If so, please describe your side of story: I do have a few mutes but i have worked on myself and improved myself from these punishments.

Have you applied for this role before? If so, please explain the steps you have taken to improve as an applicant since your last application:
Yes I did this application season but i deleted it so i could make it better.

What do you think your reputation is like within the community?
I would say im well liked, i known for helping new players and telling jokes, but I’ve gotten into fights but i have matured from then, i would also say i have impacted survival a little by helping new players.

Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?
i want to help people more, like teaching players how to claim, and how to join ch

Do you have any experience with moderating communities such as minecraft servers or other leadership roles? If so, please briefly detail it:
I ran a discord server but i didn’t know how to run it at the start, I’ve had learned how to moderate community’s better.


Where did the bold go? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Besides, my comment won’t really change much from what I’ve told you. While you do be really active and kind, your application is still rather short. :(

I don’t remember my rating but I’ll give you a +0.25! Reason why is I believe you can work on your application as for your maturity too. Recently, you’ve been talking about Valt on survival despite it being a buried topic.

You shouldn’t dig out passed events that had a negative impact over yourself or munchy, but seek for forging great memories with your friends and the community so that it will be something they can recall and brag about in the future! :star:

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I don’t think you should apply for staff yet.

I ain’t gonna -1 or + 0 or 1 but I think you should probably work some more on maturity, getting involved in the community, and finding who you want to be. I left a reply before on your deleted staff application but I ain’t gonna look for the comment to copy paste it and I’ll just say you need to work a lot on management with stuff like your discord and in your time (I can help a little bit with those but I encourage you to find better mentors especially for the other part).

I think you should apply in the future but maybe not for now. Ik you definetly can be a good applicant and you’re doing well at getting more involved and known in the community. Toodles poodles :wave:

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Ima pull a drex and just not rate this, Just try and mature and get that playtime up.

Good luck Superduck!


Hi Superduck!

We’ve been seeing so much of you recently. I mean, new user of the month of October - that is pretty cool! I definitely think you are on the right path towards becoming staff in the future if you keep up your contributions to our community. You managed to get your name out there in an impressively short time! However, you are still a bit new to MunchyMC for such a big step. You can already start helping out other players without the rank. If you manage to do that consistently, then helper rank will be in reach for you in no time!