Suggestion for Survival related to Maparts

i made sure my maps are only sold in only 1 place, which is my mall shop

i put my trust on most players to not try to buy counterfeits, ive even stated that my shop is the only place that sells my art.

Always try to look for the creators themselves and not buy anything that is not in their shops


Oh yeah, that would be bad.

well i guess you didn’t knew
but last season i saw your mapart at a shop which was not urs
*and yeah those were at half price in comparision to those in your shop :3

i did not do that last season so thats on me


I guess since I’ve made 12 maparts this season so far, I’ll comment on this. I haven’t had any problems with people grabbing my map arts using /rtp so far. I don’t deny that it might become an issue later in the season, however.

I think a “can’t use maps” in this claim option would be a good idea.

However here are some other solutions if you don’t want your maps stolen. Obviously, claim your maps.

1. Build maps on top of each other. Yes, this works fine if you lock the map and make a new one on the same exact area.
2. Mark your map in some way I usually pour a couple of buckets of water on my maps before I do another one on top of it so that people cant get a perfect copy.
3. Make them in the mining world Assuming you can finish them in less than two weeks, the mining world will reset and no one will be able to see it. (I actually made the Apple map in the end, and it can never be found in the wild)
4. Make it clear in your shop if anyone sells them other than you then its a fake copy and to report them (like Eric suggests)

Hope that helps guys.

- Shoo :slightly_smiling_face:


Okay that was a pro gamer move…