STORM's MunchyMC Media Application

Channel link:

Number of subs:

Average number of views per vid:
Average views per video used to be 500 - 1000k since I havent uploaded a video in a long it will be a little less.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
Over 4 years ive been creating content on hypixel.

Servers for which you have created content:

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
When it comes to promoting servers on my streams I usually say on wich server I play including putting the ip in pinned inside the stream chat. I feel with my streams it would lead to more new players on the server! Currently I am working on a new video and I stream almost daily!


No munchy content no +1

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does that matter a lot mr forum king?


In my opinion I think so, I don’t know how you would benefit the server as media or what you would do to entertain others on the server or your content style on here. Gl on the position but my rating stands Mr. Storm.

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I would love to stream on the server now and then its just I saw the requirements and was like why not apply :) mr forum king


Maybe stream a little first and make some content then I will +1 for sure


Hi there Storm!

We really appreciate your interest in the Media role, but unfortunately we will have to deny your application at this time due to the fact that we cannot find any content related to MunchyMC on your channel.

We’d love to see you apply again in the future though, but please wait at least a month before doing so.