Sticky feet kit idea

Kit icon: slimeblock/slimeball
Kit ability: Holding shift for 1.5 seconds gives a jump of jump boost 3, and you will land without fall damage. You also get a throwable fireball that launches players far. The fireball is chargeable, for short, medium, and long kb distance all changing in 1 second each. Charging the fireball for 5 seconds gives an in air level 3 bounce.
Kit downsides: You get 25% more kb than normal, but when charging, 50% kb. The kit also is complex to use.
How to use the kit: Use fireball for free ranged weapon (only kb, no explosions), use jump boost 3 with 5 second charge of fireball gives really high jump for easy chest collections and escape routes. To counter the kit, use a bow to use the extra kb to your advantage. Also, grandpa kit is useful too.
How to buff kit: Reduce kb, give shorter charging times, more fireball kb, speed 1.
How to nerf kit: Increase kb, give longer charging times, less kb, slowness 1.


This feels like a worse bouncy gonna be honest, and there aren’t many pro’s. If you want jump boost then use bouncy or find a potion, if you want 0 fall damage, then use feather. If you want a fireball, find it in a chest or use that one kit nobody mains.


@TwinBattleBLT Please don’t bump topics that have been inactive for more than 2 weeks unnecessarily.