Staff Application Tips [guide]

hey friends, it is I, torlin. this is going to be a short and helpful little list of things to help you apply for staff! here I go:

( * means not required, but strongly reccomended)

##Ask Yourself
questions to think about before applying for the JMod position:

Am I known?
Being known in the community is an important factor in becoming a JMod.
Do I have Teamspeak?
Having teamspeak (and a mic) is also important because you can talk to other players and staff members using your voice. Also essential to getting to know other players.
Is my impact on the community positive?
If you are known as a toxic player with a bad background, I’d reccomend changing. (In a good way) The least toxic/mean you are the better chances you have of recieving this postion.
Can I record?
Recording is important because in order to ban a hacker, you must provide evidence that the player was hacking.
Do I have basic knowledge of hacks?
Knowing about hacks is very important. (Because you have to ban hackers, of course!)
Am I an active member in all platforms?
Being active in all platforms gets you better known throughout the community.
Do I have a background knowlege of being staff? *
Being a staff member for the first time is a bit confusing, especially on a server like Munchy.
Have I been banned on MunchyMC in the past? *
You can buy an unban, but this will probably bring down your chances of becoming JMod if you’ve hacked in the past.

first lets take a look at your application. somethings to have in mind is that this is YOUR application, so you make it yourself and put your words in it. good references can be found [[Here]] ( (past JMod Applications)

( *not fully required )
i’d reccomend including the following:
- a good paragraph or two explaining why you should be jmod
(include descriptions like how active you are, or how well you know the community.)
- brief basic information about you (ex: ign, timezone, age, can you record, all that jazz) *
(just to get your reviewers to know little things that might’ve not been known yet.)
- a list of hacks *
(this can show what you know, and prove that you do in fact know about hacks.)
- knowledge of MunchyMC *
(to become a staff member, you have to know about the server at least! )
- scenarios (to test yourself in situations!) *
(this shows your viewers what you can do in made up situations. these can be like : “there’s a bug that players are abusing and there are no admins and developers online, what do you do?” )

to have an excellent application, it must be a decent length with good grammar and with mature factors such as extensive vocabulary. an immature factor would be like: including text chat, such as lol, wbu, thx, etc.

do NOT copy someone else’s application. that is plagarism and it is unfair to the original poster.

##Community Input
Community input is a very important, it shows how well you are known and how you act towards others on munchy. here is a small guide on the ratings you can recieve:

This means you’re application was great, and also could mean you are mature, active, and friendly. (one of the best ratings.)

This could mean you could make a good JMod, but with a couple flaws. (such as inactivity, immaturity, etc.)

This is right in the middle. It means you are probably almost fit but you can do some more work. ( Like +.5 but maybe with more flaws.)

You have a little chance. This could mean very flawed, and one good attribute is keeping you from being a -1.

This is the worse you can get. You’re application either flawed in may ways and/or copied. This could also mean you have many bad attributes. (Toxicity, immaturity, inactivity, etc)


Following these tips and reccomendations can help you further more pursue your goal in becoming a staff member on MunchyMC. I’m open to questions and stuff to add on/edit. (PM me!)

Good Luck :dog2:

-torlin :^)


well you kinda havent been accepted so why would i trust you


Great guide!

My name is BFI01, and I approve of this message.

@CocosetteMax the guide is based off of what is said by reviewers on other unaccepted applications and accepted applications.

@ItzRaid thank you

@BFI01 :^)

Pinned. :smiley: Nice guide!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Great guide! :smiley:

Thank you :^) @Squishify & @TheCyberCreeper


Props to you sir!

Why did i reply to this after a long time

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Looks like I fit the requirements to make a really good application! Does this list apply to making Event apps to some aspects?

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Please do not bump old posts.

@BRO3256 some points can be transferred (e.g TS and knowledge of Munchy), however obviously this was made for staff applications so you’ll have to be careful when taking the info to an event team app.

Locking due to bumping old post.

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