Some stupid ideas I've had for survival that aren't big enough to have their own topic!

  • Big fan of /anvil, even without a CD this would still be a decent perk for + or ++.

  • Colorable carpet seems a bit unnecessary, especially considering the lack of carpet use.

  • A permanent end would make Elytra way more expensive than they should be, since in vanilla minecraft they are hard to attain but not limited in quantity in relation to total playercount.

  • Removing the PVP thing seems like a very easy fix, but also add a toggle for it because people would probably enjoy having the ability to negate friendly fire if they were going to team fights of some sort.

  • Yes massive supporter of this 5th one, chat on survival is so cluttered as is. It needs some ways to clean it up and this along with a few other things that have been suggested(Such as toggles for Tag, Auctions, Showitems, and Item Clear visibility) would make survival chat a lot easier on the eyes for some folks for sure.