Some stupid ideas I've had for survival that aren't big enough to have their own topic!

This post is exactly what the title says! I’ve had a few ideas recently and I wanted to make a post for them, but they’re small ideas. So I just gathered a bunch of the little tiny ideas to make a big post stating them all rather than like 5 separate posts for stupid ideas. Here they are in all their glory!

/anvil command
Pretty self-explanatory. This command will allow you to use an anvil from anywhere, but of course it comes with a cooldown similar to /repair. This feature would be for ++ and maybe even +

Color-able /carpet
This one is one of the more stupid ideas, as it’s so very pointless. The command to change the colors could be /carpet (carpet color) OR a menu when you type /carpet that lets you change the colors of /carpet. Useless command but it’d be a neat cosmetic

Permanent End
I’m certain that this isn’t happening, but I really want this. I stated some ideas about this in this post. I know this won’t happen but I can dream :pensive:

Remove the in-ability to pvp with people who are in your party
I just find this really annoying. I hate having to kick one of my party members so I can kill them for a quest or duel them really quickly.

Toggle chat options
This would allow you to disable your ability to see specific chats. Whether it be main chat, clan chat, or party chat, this command could help you drain out and focus on 1 chat. The command for this would look something like “/toggle mchat off” for main, “/toggle pchat off” for party, and “/toggle cchat off” for clan chat. Of course to turn them back on it would be the same command, except on instead of off.

Thank you for reading my stupid ideas. I hope you liked or even think some of them should be added.

have good day :+1:

p.s. cat mario c


yes these are good


catboy mario


p.s. tanooki mario

  • Big fan of /anvil, even without a CD this would still be a decent perk for + or ++.

  • Colorable carpet seems a bit unnecessary, especially considering the lack of carpet use.

  • A permanent end would make Elytra way more expensive than they should be, since in vanilla minecraft they are hard to attain but not limited in quantity in relation to total playercount.

  • Removing the PVP thing seems like a very easy fix, but also add a toggle for it because people would probably enjoy having the ability to negate friendly fire if they were going to team fights of some sort.

  • Yes massive supporter of this 5th one, chat on survival is so cluttered as is. It needs some ways to clean it up and this along with a few other things that have been suggested(Such as toggles for Tag, Auctions, Showitems, and Item Clear visibility) would make survival chat a lot easier on the eyes for some folks for sure.

  • I can understand the need for /anvil, however I think it is very unnecessary. Seeing as most commands where it opens something, they are mostly cheap to make and obtain. This is an exception for /ec, as even though it costs ender eyes and obsidian, ender chests can be found at spawn. Anvils (imo) would be going to far in the direction in becoming overpowered (for a rank.) I am unsure on how it even could be added if it were to be nerfed. Regardless, I don’t think it is the best idea for a command. If anyone would like to argue, I’m open ears.

  • Color-able /carpet is a nice idea, especially for the people who bought lifetime + whom don’t want to upgrade to ++. Not that I can necessarily relate, but I have seen people who do have it.

  • The idea for Permanent End is a nice idea, but it is at fault similarly to the UW (Underworld) and it’s fate. I personally really like the idea, as well as adding back the UW/Permanent Nether. I would really like to build a far out huge End base. However fantasies are fantasies, and I’m unsure how long it (the Permanent End idea) will last without a huge amount of spawn protection for the main island. I am one of the people who mine out the main End island in the extra world, and I’m sure a whole bunch of other people will do the same. However in thought, it sounds like a good idea to me.

  • A party option to toggle pvp in a settings command sounds like a good idea. Easy to implement, and simplistic.

  • Cool as hell idea, but something I should say, is to add the option as well to toggle vipchat. Even though I am not +/++ anymore, it is an idea, and it should be considered if MCMMO party chat, clan chat, and main chat are being considered.



/anvil command
Color-able /carpet
Toggle chat options
Those has been suggested before and I still like it, +1 :D

Permanent End
I don’t know about that one. We implemented the Underworld due to player demand but turns out that it wasn’t that popular and this is why we didn’t kept it. I know some would really love a permanent End, but this is not likely to happen, especially considering the end is wayyy less interesting than the nether


This would be very useful, but maybe a toggle option in /menu would be better, all those commands can get a little complicated!
Cool ideas tho!

  • A permanent end would make Elytra way more expensive than they should be, since in vanilla minecraft they are hard to attain but not limited in quantity in relation to total playercount.

@Kybz It’s like the Underworld, a separate dimension from the one that resets, not just plainly making the regular end permanent. Just wanted to note that despite the fact I don’t think it will/should be implemented.

I love all the other ideas except for the carpet one, and I think the party pvp should be toggleable instead of entirely removed. Would love to see all of these implemented +1

We might be seeing something about the toggle chat options hopefully :eyes:


what do you hate about my boy colored carpet?


as someone lazy like myself who uses /craft unless there is a crafting table only 2 blocks away I would definitely use /anvil. Even with a cooldown I wouldn’t have to deal with it breaking all the time and it would be very useful when you need to emergency nametag something and you cant leave or it could despawn.
Toggleable chat would also be amazing as chat often stresses me out but its a pain to go into settings and turn it off and then I can’t see dms.


p.s among us mario




among us