Some new ideas for the survival server

Hey everyone! I’ve seen some people (including me) that aren’t having that much fun on the server anymore. Imo, there should be a little bit more “things” on the server that keeps the players busy. So here are some ideas for the server.

1) More spawn events: Sometimes, mods organize events at spaw like Simon says, lucky corners, hide and seek,… . I think it would be fun to have more of these events because I don’t think these events happen very often. Maby we can even get a separate event world in the survival server, just like kitPVP has.
Edit: Apperantly, they are working on an event team. But in the mean time, @Ibby is doing an amazing job at hosting multiple events almost daily! Thanks a lot!
2) A main nether world: I recently came across a forum post that suggested a main Nether world. I would love to see that idea actually happening and it would be a great fit with the new 1.16 update.
More info on this topic: Survival Idea

3) Challenge board: This one is by far my favorite. A challenge board that gives you items by completing quests. At the moment, the only way to get crate keys is by purchasing them from the store or by winning special events. So this would be a cool new way to get crate keys without having to buy them from the store.

4) Winning ranks: This ofcourse sounds very op but it could be a good idea. For example: the building competitions that we have are very hard to win and cost a lot of time/money, so I think that we can give a rank to every non-ranked player who wins it (or a rank upgrade).

5) CHEESE tag: I’ve posted this over a month ago and I still think this would be a fun idea :smiley:.
—> A new tag idea <—

Added idea: Being able to use lava/water with dispensers: I understand that this is to prevent griefing but this makes the game less fun and limits the redstone uses a lot. If there is any way to prevent griefing true dispensers without disabaling dispensers, please add this to the game.

Added idea number 2: Custom tags: idk how you guys think about this but I really want this in the game. Ofc it’s gonna be super duper rare but I think it would be so cool to have!

Added idea number 3: Permanent particles: If you select a particle, logg out and then logg back on, you won’t be wearing that particle anymore (I have this problem with the particle “glow” but I suppose it counts for every particle). I don’t think it is that hard to fix this problem and it will make life on the server so mutch more easy!

Added idea number 4: Butterfly net: With the butterfly net, you can catch animals, what imo is one of the best things on the server :joy:. But I’ve found 2 problems with it.
Problem 1: When I had the net, the first thing I tried was catching my dog with it, so I could take it on adventures and stuff. I imagined it worked just like a pokéball. Unfortunately, you can’t catch tamed animals such as dogs, cats, parrots, horses,… . I would love to see this change and being able to catch cats and all sorts of tamed animals!
Edit: If this was to be implemented in the game, you could be able to steal other people’s animals. But don’t worry because I have a solution! We could add an item to the game that instantly tames animals, and when the animal gets tamed, it get’s picked up. This item would function just like a butterfly net, the only differences is that the animal that gets caught becomes tamed, and you won’t be able to swap the animal inside, unless you kill it. Thx to @Aiadeva for pointing this out!
Problem 2: This isn’t really a problem, and idk if it was intentional, but when you catch an untamed cat, and then let it free again, the breed of the cat changes. If it was intentional, I’ completely fine with it. But if we will introduce problem #1 in the game, this has to be fixed. Otherwise your tamed cat will change colour every time you release it out of the pokéball.

Added idea number 5: elf hat:* Now, the wool that the elf hat leaved behind only works in unclaimed areas. It would be fun if it also worked in claimed areas or even spawn!

Added idea number 6: Being able to enchant crate items: This obviusly doesn’t have to count for all the crate items. Otherwise you could enchant a candy cane pick with eff 6 and that would be way to overpowered. But I’m talking about things like elf hats, rudolph boots,… . Because now they’re useless.

Added idea number 7: Vote keys: If you vote on the munchy survival server, you get a few extra claim blocks. I don’t know many people who vote every day because It’s just not really worth it. Instead I suggest making a new kind of crate, the “Vote crate”. Ofc this crate is not going to be as good as the other crates, but people really like opening keys and then it would be worth it to vote.

Thanks for reading this and I love to hear what you guys think about these idea’s!


Yes, survival players need this. Maybe give the devs a little break, because they’ve been working on making 1.16, but still, Survival is getting really boring, and ngl devs pay so much more attention to other servers. Give Senior Mods world edit, or an event world, where we can have the events listed above! :pleading_face: +1


Huge +1


those ideas sound great! I especially like the

A challenge board that gives you items by completing quests.

I think that would bring a lot of fun into survival. but that’s just my opinion :D


I love all of those ideas.

I saw the post about having a main world nether when it came out, and I thought that would be really neat too, especially what with all of the awesome builds people would come up with.

The quests idea is also my favourite. A friend of mine has heavily discussed the idea of having quests on Munchy surv with me, and I honestly believe it would be a really fun dynamic to add to the general gameplay.

The tag sounds cool too. :smiley:


I would enjoy all of these ideas. :smiley:


All of these ideas are great, but I think the crate keys should be nerfed (from the screenshot im saying) or we could have a quest board that once you get to the end of 3 or so quests, you get a prize such as a crate key. Overall, I think these would be good additions to the survival server! :cheese:

Edit: I think the lava/water buckets with dispensers would somewhat work, but this would make it so you could water grief claimed areas with flying machines, But maybe an option in /claim edit that enables water dispensers and maybe somehow make it so flying machines do not work, as to prevent water griefs.

Second Edit: I have another idea for the survival server. I have recently lost incredible amounts of items due to item clear, such as a full max armor set, four max pickaxes, and two santa hats. I would have been able to get them, as there were people nearby my items, but at those 2 moments the item clear happened. I think we should add death boxes that contain our items, and they disappear after 5 minutes and drop the items (as in vanilla minecraft items despawn after five minutes) I think this would make the server better, as I have seen many people quit the server after loosing their items to the clear (I almost quit, but I didnt because I love this server too much.) Tell me what you guys think!


The screenshot is pretty bad and just a concept, ofc it will be different ig but I’m glad you like the idea :smiley:


I love the Idea a lot <3


I really like the events idea! I said something similar in my long rant abt ++, but I think it’s a fantastic way to inspire more interaction and competition. In regards to the challenge board, I think they should be centered around the seasonal crates so that there would be a quest line with that theme (gather snow blocks for winter, harvest bee nest for spring, etc) if it was to be implemented.

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In response to your second edit: I really like that idea. I have seen many people suggest things such as this, and other ways to prevent loss of items due to lag clear. I find your idea particularly cool, because, as you said, it would actually bring us closer to a vanilla Minecraft experience! :smiley:


Well im not a survival player but ur ideas sound great , so +1


I really like the event idea, I could definitely see that come into fruition.

Crypt was doing events a while back but stopped recently, if we brung them back I feel like it could really bring alot to survival and spice things up a little :0


I am a big fan of the main nether world. I think that it would be especially helpful with the new nether update as people could make the new farms and trading areas for the piglins. Having a nether main and extra world is really no difference from having a main world and a mining world


About problem 1, my guess is it’s to prevent pet thief :(
About problem 2, it’s normal :)

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I really hope that we can fix problem 1, becaue that would make it so much more fun!

This happens because the net doesnt actually ‘capture’ the mob that you click on. It despawns that mob, and respawns one of the same type when you ‘release’ it. We disabled pets because it would untame them and remove and nametags. Same goes for villagers, it would reset all their trades and wouldnt respawn the same profession.


So when you place it, it kind of works like a spawn egg you use in creative?

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You can fix it by storing the nbt of the mob inside the item in a tag only the server is able to read, provided the item can catch only one mob at a time.

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@oCrypt told me that they are working on a survival event team, but it is just delayed, so you can cross off the first thing :smiley:

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