So I made a video

Hey y’all! So I made this short little YouTube video called “When a Survival main plays KitPvP,” and it’s basically my journey as a Survival main navigating the scary KitPvP server :flushed:
A lot of interesting things happened there, like I changed from a Birb to an EBoy for a second… (sorry Ibby), and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out!

I don’t use my voice in this video, and the songs I chose for the background do speak on some edgy stuff, so if you’re uncomfortable with the topics artists like Juice WRLD speak on in their songs then feel free to mute the video, you won’t miss out on anything!

Here is the link! Feel free to share it with your friends (:



Cool vid!


EXTREMELY good video, never ever would I have expected a literal bird to get a 7.6 KDR on such a dangerous environment.
Good on you for NOT changing to an eboy skin for this! :+1::+1:


That bird did the impossible.


not true (i should know) still cool vid!

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my kitpvp stats are great



k fam

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Edit: at least 200 of my deaths in arena are because of sumo with @Samantha_rawr_XD


I literally spent 5$ on this video so great to see all the positive feedback about me being a bird !

@oCrypt this is where that stats reset went to!!

Damn dude humans underestimate the beak

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Crying because you didn’t include our sumo fights…

Otherwise, nice video flare! If I can ask, what do you use to edit? I’ve been wanting to edit for some time now because I may or may not have recorded a video :eyes:


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im sorry i didn’t want to hurt your ego…

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Didn’t I beat you with 1cps :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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just doing my job <3

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Amazing video!

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