So, i just created a new profile pic. oof

I know its not that good, but it’s a good first attempt for me.
ft. tayk_s and Kirbby_


Looks pretty good to me. Good Job!

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it’s great! How much time did it take you?

Great job! :smile:

can I get a profile pic like that, including me, zachthelamp, and NotCola?

look up their IGNs, and get the skins. I will add you to my clan in return

I love your animations! Do you do commissions?

like an hour.

okay! when i can!


I do requests! :3 i’ll let you know when i can do em!

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can you make an mcgang one? with finessedkid, sadneo, and ME and OIZN and not purifys because he’s trash but

When i can, same sitting down style?

Done! :D

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Can you make me one? lol

whats the request?

Uhh, I hope this isn’t too much to ask, but could you make me face the front and try not to hide zachthelamp? Thanks

I would love one of these, these are cool

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And not me…