Serpp's Staff Application - #2 (August 2020)

Very well written application! +1 from me!

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Serpp is a very well-respected and active member of the survival community. They are always willing to help others, and I believe that they would make a good staff member. Good luck.

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Thank you all so much for the feedback/ratings! I appreciate it. They are very helpful! :slightly_smiling_face:


+1, Serpp is extremely friendly towards anyone. They are trustworthy and pretty experienced. Good luck Serpp! <3<3

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+1 Youā€™ve been very helpful in-game and active on the forums!


A +1 for me! Reasons:

  • actif ingame and on the forums
  • detailed application
  • one of the kindessesd people iā€™ve ever seen (srry for bad spelling)
  • always wants to help when you asks him
  • mature

You deserves to be staff <3

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You are one of the most well-known, well-respected, and active players I have ever seen on the server! You are a role-model for so many and would make a great mod!! +1

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Thanks so much, @Jqkke, @Vurm, @Tjieken77 and @Myanisa, for your replys! Much appreciated.


You have definitely improved since last applying for a mod here! This application you wrote is very sophisticated and shows me how mature you are. Although you donā€™t have much experience, I can tell you would be an amazing addition to the Munchy staff and wouldnā€™t struggle. You are very active on survival and helpful in the chat. +1 and best of luck! :slight_smile:

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+0.50 Since you didnā€™t play for that quite long (my opinion to apply for staff)
All around you see a nice guy and hope you make it to be a staff member!

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I got jmod after playing on the server for 2 months soā€¦ I donā€™t think it matter that much :face_with_monocle:


It can but in my opinion 2months playing to get staff already looks for me fast


Iā€™ve been actively playing for nearly 5 months now. Honestly, opinions vary, and I totally understand that @Calluhm thinks that 5 months isnā€™t that long. Anyway, I really appreciate your helpful replys, everyone!

+1 Really detailed application. Very nice and kind person.
Good luck Serpp! :smiley:

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Hey Serpp,
Thank you for your interest in the role. Unfortunately your application has not been accepted this time. You have a great application and are very prominent in the community, however we have very high standards of maturity for staff, and I think you need just a bit more time to show us consistency. I hope you apply again in the future!