Ryan's Media Application :)

Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTq_8SXLFMBLFMn2_7D2b7g

Number of subs: 1041

Average number of views per vid: honestly most of my videos get around 100 views some below and some higher, but ive got some videos that rise over 500-1000 as well.

How long have you been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I have been creating content on Munchy for over a couple of mouths now and have grown care and gratitude for it.

Servers for which you have created content: To be honest MunchyMC is one of the first MC servers i have recorded on because of the care and appreciation i see that’s put into it. and also for how much i enjoy playing on it.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for media on MunchyMC?: well i cant wait to do more videos on Munchy. and also to produce the best quality of videos i am capable of making on the server, i also make sure that my videos are top quality and the best for people to watch, i am on Munchy daily as of now and probably for a while to come. i also stream almost every week and i hope i can start creating more videos for Munchy and to be recognized more often.

Your latest upload wasn’t even Minecraft and it was over a month ago, I suggest upploading munchy content.

Hi Ryan :smile_cat: I am happy to see that you are still trying for Media. However I am skeptical as to your ability on this team.

As the salad butt stated you only have made two videos, but only one is on Minecraft, that being over a month ago. In that video exactly, I didn’t find the quality substantial, there was a frame issue that really did not appeal to me.

Your previous application was declined for view counts specifically. Since then you’ve only made two videos, which both don’t quite signify you meet the view counts we’re looking for.

I like the spirit you have Ryan but I believe you need to work on your consistency with making videos, as well as improving your footage quality (this may be an issue of software or hardware). Perhaps you can start rolling out more videos now; that’d be great! Wish you luck :smile_cat:

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Yes I completly understand what your coming from cat. But I wanted to achieve the rank before I start rolling out videos every week and to improve quality I’ve been trying to improve for a long time and I think I know what I’m doing now. but thanks for your opinion😊

Hello @Ryan1111coolkid; thanks for applying for Media rank on Munchy

We’re looking for YouTubers who are passionate about making vids for the sake of doing so, rather than as a result of achieving a rank.

Once you are more active making MC vids, you may reapply.