RipMonts Media RANK application

My name is RipMonts a 30 year old streamer from the UK.

Channel link:

Number of subs/Follower: 262 (40 in last week)

Average number of views per vid: 18 (up from 5 last week)

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I have been on MunchyMC for just over 1 Month but have streamed Minecraft on and off since I started streaming in September

Servers for which you have created content: wool war,Survival and Prison and also Hypixel

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I am a very active streamer, I am streaming everyday on MunchyMc, showing very good growth. my favourite way to stream is as a community “example” playing mini games on the prison server with half the server taking part in hide and seek games. all round friendly streamer.

I believe you don’t meet the requirements… They are 1.5k subs and 250 average viewers

Incorrect you need 1500 or a growing channel, the second part of what you said is true though

Neither of the above statements apply to a twitch streamer.

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Yay! RipMonts the #1 MunchyMC streamer! Goodluck in media!

Application accepted! Please message me on discord.