RipMonts Events Team Aplication

my better

Thank you so much for your feedback!! it is nice to hear im doing something right hahaa

2W7 good luck with your app buddy x

Hey @RipMonts, you have a good application, youā€™re a known person on the server and good guy.

But i donā€™t usually see you on Kit, i would improve on activity, anyways iā€™m going to give you a +0.8 Good luck!

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+1 your so nice you donā€™t lac of being online because you are online always
and you would be very gud at adding ti the event team so yea gud luck!

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well not always like 24/7 but im not always up to date so yea, you know what I meanā€¦

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-1 Idk man u kinda old and you have ā€œripā€ in your name kinda cringe ngl

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Thank you for your feedback buddy my name was created after my dog Monty who passed so my name is a tribute to the best doggo ever :partying_face:

Thank you for your feedback I try my best :partying_face:

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Application denied. Unfortunately, we do not feel like you meet the activity requirements for an event team member position at this time.

To increase your chances, try being more involved within the MunchyMC community.