Reviving Clans

Clans was once a widely requested addition to the server, and everyone was thrilled when it finally came out. That light has faded pretty tremendously, so the general question is ”How do we make Clans fun and popular again? How do we bring back the hype that Clans had at its’ release?

What rewards do you want to see for top-ranking Clans?

What leaderboards can be added for Clans to encourage people to compete more for their clan?

What kind of bonuses can be added to leveling up or ranking up a clan?

Those are just sample questions; anything else you want to add would be great! The more input received, the better we can see what changes and additions to Clans would bring it back to its’ former glory.


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Yes clan events


we want season 2 and cash prizes, thats what most clans are waiting for.


If you kill somebody in a clan battle with a high ELO (or low idk how elo works, just whatever is good) then the more points/tokens (whatever currency clans use) you get.

For example, if I killed Rewr I would get 10 points instead of 5


A fun and cool way to make clans more fun would be

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If competition revival on Munchy is what you seek, a great place to start would be with a 1v1 arena revamp and bringing elo back as well as elo leaderboards, perhaps even reset them. Clans = Competition however it’s not the place to start. You need to make competition appealing, clans can come later, I’d just advise starting somewhere else and working your way back up to the glorification of clans.


make clan battles automatic, i was happy it was coming out until i saw that staff have to accept them.


I second this

Munchy isn’t a competitive server. Make Munchy more competitive and clans and their purpose will come naturally.


revive warp comp

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tb to when u hosted classic rr’s there

those were the times my dude, 40 man rr in comp, 0 in casual

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