Remove it please

REMOVE THE SURVIVAL PLAYER CAP PLEASE. I am a regular survival player and I have been able to play once after the reset because of this stupid cap

I feel like increasing or straight up removing the player cap risks either more lag or straight up crashing.

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The player cap is there for a reason. Removing it would cause major lag as many more players would be joining each minute. And plus, if the server crashes, there’s a chance that some player builds will not be saved.

Increasing it could work, if it’s only by a little bit. But then again, the spots will probably just fill up no matter the player cap.


If they could they would’ve but it would cause more lag

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We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing people. Sadly at the moment the server can’t function to our standards with a higher player cap, but rest assured, everyone’s least favorite reindeer Callahan is working on a solution. Thanks to the entire survival community’s patience while we try to solve this problem.

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Okay I’ll just sweat woolwars for a bit

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