Question about fishing

So yesterday on prison. I was fishing like anyother day. But I got Temp-banned by Joha- Im forgetting the numbers. I’m unsure why. However I feel like I know the reason.

So my question is… Is Auto-Fishing bannable? If so why? Because here’s what I personally think. It’s not really a disadvantage to other players for the fact that it really doesn’t harm or damage other players. And the Auto-Fisher I’m using is a 1.12.2 Autofisher Mod on Liteloader.

Any advantage over other players is bannable, including auto-fishing. I have to sit there and watch/listen, and so should every other player.

Also if you think you were banned unfairly make an apeal Here and make sure you’re logged in on the main page. Allowed mods are found Here

would you say the same about auto-mining?