Purgatory tool won't work

broken ‘mole’ ability makes purgatory trolling really boring
The ‘mole’ shovel thing worked for twice then won’t work anymore

Just use mole and then immediately /tp to that player to make them suffocate in the ground, even though they see stone/dirt, easy to break.

  1. I can’t use /tp
  2. When I right click with the mole when I’m facing the player they won’t go down 3 blocks
    They stay in the same spot

That ist evil. Lol

You cant use the Mole Troll at Spawn or bedrock.

Of course every troll got the ability to do /tp <name>, it’s the command version of the enderchest teleport.
If you tried /minecraft:tp <x> <y> <z> or /minecraft:tp <target> <tp_to>, these won’t work.
As LawOwnsYou wrote, you can’t troll them at spawn, they also won’t die at spawn, the spawn area is set, so no one can build inside and for some reason some land is still inside it, too.
Oh and it won’t work below y=10.

There is a place where there are floating blocks and I tried to troll a player standing on them
They should fall into the lava but no they stay where they are