PSA: I need a top 15 list of the most top tier Survival Mains :D

I dislike popularity contests so, so much :pensive:

I know you probably have something cool in mind, and your heart comes from a good place, but to do and vote on one of those you have to forget that there is people behind those igns, and all of them work so hard for everyone to make sure that all of you guys have the best experience possible on the server. Not winning a popularity contest is saying to someone “Hey look, I like you, but everyone like this person way better than you”.

As smod I am behind the scenes and I see all the hardwork everyone is putting on the server. Everyone makes a contribution on their own free time to help, to moderate, to socialize with players, to make sure everything run smoothly. That includes a lot of things players don’t necessary see

I’m probably more sensible than others about that kind of stuff :joy: most people don’t care. I just want to make sure that you understand doing that kind of stuff can and will hurt people, and that you shouldn’t take popularity contests lightly, especially when they are about staff members