Prison Season 7

Before farming the economy was stable. The easiest ways to make money were to go outside and find gems or to mine with the most expensive and rare items that were hard to get. Once farming was added it was so easy to make money and prices on items went up. I think that this season had that most amount of money in the economy than there ever was. To get 100 million wouldn’t take long at all and isn’t a lot of money. If you were to have 100 million or even reach that much last season it would be very rare. Hopefully, farming won’t be added next map in my opinion because some people worked really hard to get their money then when farming was added only 10 lucky people got a farm cell until others were added. Maybe there will be new and different ways to make money other than farming. It was a good idea but the prices and the way that the drugs were introduced into the economy weren’t the smartest.