Prison RollBack - November 8, 2019

Today, the Prison Server underwent a 48 hour roll back.

What is a rollback?
A rollback is an action taken to restore a server to a previous state in time.

What was affected?
This rollback affects your inventory, cells, chests, farms, and enderchests.
The objects will appear as they did 48 hours from November 8.

Why was prison rolled back?
Some players abused a bug that allowed them to steal items from other cells without being a cellmate. The offending players used this bug to take valuables from a large number of cells and trade rare items to other players. Within 48 hours the issue scaled large enough to require a rollback.

Moving Forward
I fixed the bug and the players who were caught abuse the bug will be banned. The 48 hour rollback means that your progress in the last 48 hours is lost. I apologize for the disruption this will cause you.

If you want to learn more about this rollback, send me a message at
For additional support, please make a support ticket at