Prison: Likes and Dislikes this map

Prison has launched a new map! Here’s my feedback on it after a little while:
The (re?)introduction of howlers is an absolute game changer for lower level looters like myself, it’s a very nice addition and def is pretty awesome.

Most money making methods are balanced (broken up into sub-categories)

Farming overall has been really balanced (with the exception of some very obvious offenders which I will talk about later). Being a mesc slave has definitely had its benefits and I enjoy it!

Mining I have no issues at all with. It seems fairly balanced, wario pick and other shenanigans like grim reaper pick and space stone have been really fun to use and it’s a great way to mindlessly not think about or do anything.

Fishing is fun, only complaint I have heard are about special rares but otherwise fishing has followed the gold standard this map.

Gambling apparently makes/made way too much money, not really sure why if someone wants to elaborate feel free but im indifferent on it.

Looting is underpowered sure but I enjoy it, there’s some obvious issues with it which I really gripe with but in the end it is what it is.

The sheer amount of ultras and makes the map feel really fresh, even if it is just content somewhat recycled from old maps.

Flying monkeys need to be either removed from the game or undergo a serious rework. The amount of damage flying monkeys do means that you are 2-3 shotted in guard and if you’re looting somewhere like brute exit in the water, better hope you brought pots or can /spawn out of there ASAP. They seem like a really unfair enemy and I do not know a single person that actually gives a damn about these things. Either make them operate like they did in map 9 (which still is eh because those things were still annoying and unlikeable in map 9 but they were at least tolerable and fair) or just wipe them from the game and have wicked witches spawn olafs or sum’n.

Why did dobby feet get nerfed? Dobby feet were a perfectly fine ultra that was not necessarily overpowered for farming but also was powerful enough to be sought after and one of the strong meta ultras. The nerf seems completely illogical to me as it wasn’t even listed in the changelog and it seems like it just wanted to be swept under the rug. Please return dobby feet back to what it was, at the moment it’s a free slot.

Fairytale should not contain all of the good legendaries (besides cape). This will probably be changed when balance changes roles around and new legendaries get added, but I feel like it should be mentioned.

Overall, I’d say I really enjoy this map. It’s quite fun to mess around with all of the interworking mechanics and I bet it’ll be even more fun in terms of that in PB. The skills seem (relatively) balanced and you could argue for any skill this map to be viable. The issues this map has doesn’t necessarily make it bad or at all take away from the awesome work @TheRedVelvetCake and @Varmetek have put in, it would just be nice if there was a bit more community interaction which is already being worked on with solutions like the promotion of @TheFireGamer210 to helper.

I’m excited to see what the future of this map holds!


Ish, even on map 9 I didn’t encounter many of them but I can tell how deadly they can be. I don’t really dislike it thought, I mean that’s how looting’s supposed to be, sorta challenging. And to be honest, I’d get more irritated by Olafs slowing me down than anything else. :face_holding_back_tears:


Map has been enjoyable so far. To address the Fairytale world having good legendaries and not being able to kill them, maybe implement a mechanic that spawns a lot more difficult mobs if a legendary/mythical is found near the player that found it until they get back inside. Idk how else you would change that world without just straight up making it a normal PvP world. Most aspects of Prison have been good. Everything seems to be developing at a slower pace due to the rarity of certain items caused by the sheer number of different ultra/leggies, which is good for the map imo. Haven’t been playing as much as previous maps, but definitely have had fun so far.


Amount of negative energy on this map. I had ppl screaming at me, ignoring me, ppl who told me that we would team but dropped me in the end. It’s been enough so that’s why I quit.

I prefer this map over last map. It was amazing to see so many ppl help with the item-guide.