Prison Break Comeback

Prison Break NEEDS to be added. It was the most fun thing about prison in the old days.
If you’ve never played Prison Break, it’s basically the survival games but with ultra rares, legendary rares, and mythical rares in chest. You can also get guard armor and more. It’s a fun way for everyone to get a chance to use an item.
Of course, there would have to be some fixes, such as being able to auction an item for an absurd price, then getting it back in the mist of the game so you can have better items. [Originally people only used this glitch to give them self santa sack, which back then gave yourself the ability to have a portable storage. What would happen is the auction would end with no one bidding, resulting in the item going back in your inventory. Whilst in the game, you would get good legendaries or mythicals and put it in your santa sack, then when you die, you’ll still have all of the items in another santa sack.]