PotatoAnimation's Media App

Channel link: https://www.twitch.tv/potatoanimation

Number of subs: 611

Average number of views per vid: 15 - 25 (twitch constant viewers) (6k channel views)

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: PrisonWorld 1 month

Servers for which you have created content: Cosmic Prison | Prison World | Hypixel |

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?

I feel like i would be a good candidate due to my Daily streams and good viewerbase aswell as community. Most people will come to my stream and play with me being a fairly small streamer and enjoy me playing with them. I am of mature age and know how things work, And channel is constantly growing. My main game to play is Minecraft but occasionally i play a little Fortnite for my audience to come watch. I am fairly new to the server but will be doing daily streams to proove my worth and enjoy playing on here.
I know im a small streamer and it is allot to ask for but all i request is a chance as i might suprise you.

Thanks for reading. PotatoAnimation


I suggest adding in some Munchy content :smiley:

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Hey there!

I am giving you a +0.5 because

  • you seem nice
  • you are new
  • you don’t get too many views, usually in between 1-10
  • you make long streams
  • I would recommend adding in some Munchy streams!

Good luck!

1 Like

Thanks, Yeah i normally stream for like 5 hours im sad haha


Hi @PotatoAnimation, you’re vids have potential!
Once your view count increases, please consider re-applying.
Thanks for your interest in Munchy!