
Channel link:
Number of subs:
571 subscribers
Average number of views per vid:
1000 views on average
How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers:
0 days
Servers for which you have created content:
What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC?
Helping to advertise munchymc

You should probably become an active youtuber before applying: your last minecraft upload was around a year ago.

Pretty sure you “abandoned” the linked channel and now use this channel for uploading.

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There is no consistency with your videos and your most recent videos are incredibly short with little substance. If you’re serious about wanting Media we need to see some performance from you: make us a good gameplay video or anything involving the server to show us that you are capable of helping to advertise the server like you say you would make a good candidate for. You are also very new to the server, so getting more involved in the community would definitely help.


Hellow @Thepartyguy10 , I’m a bit confused about your YT’ing history.

You abandoned a channel that was doing relatively well about a year ago and are now on another channel with less than 100 subs.

Please continue to build your new channel and reapply in the future. Good luck to you!

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