Plephix's Staff Application - September 2020

Prerequisite checklist:

- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:

Yes, I joined the server in 2018 and have started being very active since around Late March/Early April.

- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:

Yes, I can record 780p 60fps with OBS.

- Do you have TeamSpeak3 and Discord downloaded and are competent with them?:

Yes, I have knowledge of both.



My In-Game Name is Plephix




My timezone is EST.

Languages spoken:

I only speak one language, although I am learning German.

Server(s) you are interested in moderating:

I am interested in moderating KitPVP and Survival Games if possible.

How active can you be per week?

With school starting these times could change, but this schedule will most likely stay the same.

Monday: 5 - 9 PM
Tuesday: 5 - 9 PM
Wednesday: 5 - 9 PM
Thursday: 5 - 9 PM
Friday: 4 - 10 PM
Saturday - Sunday: No set times!

Do you have any punishments on our network? If so, please describe your side of the story:

I have had 3 punishments on my 2 years of this server, although I only remember one of them, as it was recent. The one I do remember was an accident. I was in a party chat in WoolWars with a couple of people, and we decided to make a discord. I made one and pasted it into chat, thinking it would send in the party chat and not get filtered. I then sent it again thinking it was a mistake and got muted.

Have you applied for this role before?
If so, please explain the steps you have taken to improve as an applicant since your last application:

I have not applied for this role before.

What do you think your reputation is like within the community?

I believe I am helpful and nice to people, and that I am known across the KitPVP community. I help players with problems in chat and I stay calm in most situations. I love all the people I meet on KitPVP and I think they feel the same way about me.

Why are you interested in the role and what motivated you to apply?

I’m applying because for the past months I have been active, I’ve met so many people, and it’s made me love the server so much, because of this I want to become a bigger part of the community and make sure people have the same kind of experience I did on the server. I’m also interested in this role because I want to help the community become a better place. I’ve seen how toxic kit can be, and I’ve seen hackers be there for hours without getting banned.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), how would you rate your knowledge on moderating a community?

I rate myself a 6/10. Like I said before in another question, I help players in chat with any questions they have. (Unless I can’t answer it.) I also stay calm in situations where there is toxicity and people lashing at each other. I have some experience in dealing with hackers and chat offenders.

Out of 10 (with 10 being very knowledgeable), what would you rate your knowledge on Minecraft hacks and cheats, including finding and identifying cheaters?

I would rate myself a 6/10, I have done research and played around with the kinds of hacks you see in KitPVP. (KillAura, Reach, ect.) I feel that this gives me experience with hacks and how to identify them.

Please link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:

I have made many reports of hackers, with /report, the MunchyMC discord, and talking to staff members. These are 2 videos of hackers that I have submitted.

Thank you so much for this opportunity and I give much luck to all the other applicants.

Thank you for reading,

Edit 1: Few changes.
Edit 2. Many changes and paragraph revamps.
Edit 3. Changed Title Around.
Edit 4. Made it look more organized.
Edit 5. Changed reputation paragraph around and added more details.
Edit 6. Added Survival Games to servers I would like to moderate.
Edit 7. Accidentally added WoolWars instead of survival games, removed that.
Edit 8 Changed ratings and removed a duplicate question.


+1 you are a great candidate! You’re very active and mature!

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Thank you so much Vurm. Also, please tell me if there is anything I should edit or add in the app. :slight_smile:

I think your application is really good! I can’t really find anything!

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:smiley: I really appreciate it! <3333333

+0.5 nice application altough you could have been more specific on some things

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I agree.

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Thank you so much! :smiley: If you don’t mind could you tell me what places could use work?

Also if you don’t mind, please read over my application again! I have made many changes.


I haven’t seen you on the server myself however you seem like you are a good fit for a staff role and i wish you the best of luck!

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+1 Quite active and it seems like you would fit in very well as staff!

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Thanks a lot skippo! I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Thank you breav!!! <333333

+1 Plephix is such a fun person to be around he would be a great addition to the team in my opinion!

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at the reputation part because u have a pretty big rep and many ppl know u so you could’ve been more specific there but for the rest good app <3

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+1, Plephix is super generous and very active. He would fit best for staff since he shows that he can be fully ready for the job.

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Thank you so much for the positive comments! @SheLikesMe @DoublesHelix @JetonPlays
<3 Love you all.



  1. I’m sorry for viewing this so late.

Plephix, you are:

  • Kind
  • Friendly
  • Helpful
  • Mature
  • Active
  • Known
  • and amazing.

We’ve been friends for like 3 months dude, You’ve always been helpful from what I’ve seen. We should totally talk on TeamSpeak sometime.

From the best waterdrop player on the server.

  • DrakeOfStars
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-1 Built a noob house in the Realm
+.75 The only thing I don’t like is that you are inactive I rarely see you on o.o

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Thanks a bunch drake :slight_smile: you have been an amazing friend and I’m glad I met you. <333

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