PillowPilot's Media Appliaction

Channel link: http://youtube.com/PillowPilot

Number of subs: 1,420 (Socialblade says ill be at 1,500 before the end of the year.)

Average number of views per vid: 200 - 300

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: 3 years

Servers for which you have created content: hypixel, akumamc, snapcraft, boxdupe, blockmania.

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I know a lot about munchymc and ive played for a few years. And I think it would be great to have media rank


Hi there,
Looking at your channel, you don’t seem to have created a munchy video yet. This is a requirement for media application!

Hi, you should make more content on Munchy and try to extend your videos cause 40 seconds is not long enough for the media rank as they say.

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Hi pillow,
It’s seems you have no videos of munchymc on your channel! This is a requirement for the media rank and a lot of your videos are somewhat short. I would work on making them longer for a better chance at media rank.

Happy Holidays!

  • Nate_Co
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Basically, what everyone said here.

-Make more MunchyMC content
-Make longer videos

Good luck!

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Hey! We’re going to deny your application this time around. We feel your current activity and content creation is not close enough to the requirements to be accepted yet. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on discord. ( NoEffortName#7860 )

Please wait 1 month before reapplying