Pavess Media Rank Application

Channel link:

Number of subs: 1.17k

Average number of views per vid: 400 - 900 (Depending on what I post)

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: 10 months

Servers for which you have created content: Hypixel and MMC

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I often bring some good vibes and i’m really friendly!

Save me from checking, do you have any content for Munchy? Or even anything planned?

Edit: You dont seem to have that munch experience on the server at all, you have only ever played kit and don’t have the most impressive stats. I suggest getting more involved in the community before apply for a media role.

True I don’t have much experience on the server at the moment, but that’s gonna change a lot cause this has to be my new favorite server right now and I do have a lot of videos planned especially if I get Media rank like hosting sumo tourneys and such.

-1 be more active

This isn’t a role where you can just login to the server expecting a rank for having a youtube channel… my suggestions would to first actually get involved in the community, and secondly actually post some content on munchy so they can see the statistics that come from those videos and other sorts. Wish you luck but you can’t just log on expecting a rank, post some content and earn it! :smiley:

Application denied for the time being please try to be more active in the community and make some content then reapply.
