Ozzy and Kelex Clowned EPIC PvP battle! Gone Wrong, Gone Sexual, Police Involved, People Died (4K)

Please drop a like for the destruction of these two infamous cheating e-girls. @Kalex31 @awzy

Dude you gotta at least do clickbait… use this title instead:

“Ozzy and Kalex Clowned EPIC PvP battle!!! Gone Wrong, Gone Sexual, Police Involved, People Died”

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I’m the only real egirl, I don’t know why they’re trying to be egirls when Entulea is the only egirl.

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Fight me bro

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i thought this was something to do with players because I saw a name called GoneSexual

Imagine spelling my name wrong :clown_face:

Imagine being a clown :clown_face:

@finessedkid yes imagine :clown_face:

Send it to world star!