Orips Staff Application October 2019

PREREQUISITE CHECKLIST: (answer the following)

- Have you been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month?:

I’ve been a regular player on MunchyMC for at least one month, as I first joined on December 16th, 2018, and I have been an active player since, besides a 2-3 month break that I had, as I was busy with the end of School. I also have been extremely active on the server, spending more than 3 hours at the minimum, per day, on the server. Now many people may not know me on Kit PVP, due to the fact that I normally only play Survival and Prison, although I have stopped playing Prison until Map 7 is released, as I did not enjoy Map 6.

- Are you able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers?:

I’m able to record and upload good quality videos of hackers, as I own a Macbook, which I use quick time, which is one of the newest models, can stream well, and also record well. Also, I can record with audio, but in my hacker reports, I decided to record as soon as possible, and not choose the audio option.

- Are you able to download and use TeamSpeak 3?:

I’m able to download and use TeamSpeak 3, as I have a built-in microphone. TeamSpeak 3 is already downloaded, I also know how to navigate it, and most of the features.


IGN: My in-game name is Orips, although it used to be Theking101, and you can see more advanced details about that here, which basically shows my past skins and my profile ID on Name MC.

Age: I am 14.

Timezone: My timezone is Eastern Standard Time and Eastern Daylight Time, depending on the season.

Server(s) you would like to moderate: I would like moderating Survival, as it is where I spend most of the time, but I would also enjoy moderating Wool Wars, as there are a lot of spammers there currently and I honestly enjoy the mode. I would also enjoy moderating Prison, but I don’t want to unless you are of need of staff in Prison.

How active can you be per week? I can be active from six after midday to around two before midday on everyday besides the weekend, which I can be active for around nine before midday to two after midday. So in total, this is 74 hours per week, but I would like to subtract 24, to make it 50, as I have events during days that I may have to attend and other activities, and I would like to have time to do other things besides just Minecraft as well.

Do you have any past moderating experience? If so, briefly describe it: Unfortunately I have no past moderating experience on a Minecraft server, but I have moderated in several Discord servers, which each one was different on what they were trying to accomplish, so I have experience on several different subjects in moderating, from hosting events to updates every now and again where like MunchyMC we change things in one big update, instead of whenever we want something you change it. And even then, I would always ask for permission to do something. Not only that, but I also have real-life experience in moderating. As I referee for soccer, and babysit, showing my ability to control people.

When did you join MunchyMC and what made you stay? I joined MunchyMC on December 16th, 2018. To be honest, the only reason why I’m still here today is because of the amazing community. I first started on Prison, as I have played it on other servers. Everyone was nice to me, and I made a lot of friends there, and now I want to and have been trying to repay the kindness they gave me when I first started to everyone else. That is what made me stay.

What is your knowledge of MunchyMC? MunchyMC has 8 main games, or game modes, which 3 of are down, and I will list them all below, but the history of the server, what I know is that it was created because the owner, BadBoyHalo, who was also a YouTuber, wanted to have a Minecraft server, and thought of the name MunchyMC, and started to create it. MunchyMC started as a Minecraft server with KitPVP, Skywars, and Hunger Games, etc, before expanding and creating its own modes, and got popular, through BadBoyHalo’s youtube channel, and other websites. After a while, and a few seasons and different Game Modes, a YouTuber named Skeppy created a video where he applied for staff in several different servers, and after him getting accepted on Munchy, he started to create a ton of videos on it, mainly him annoying BadBoyHalo, this made Munchy obtain even more players, and slowly more over the time of him creating videos, although most of them were him griefing the server. The staff on the server all handled it well, which I believe I could do the same, one example of a great staff member, in my opinion, is . The game modes on the server I know of are:

KitPVP: The most popular mode on MunchyMC, it revolves around different areas that people can fight in, including 1v1’s, and also a casual mode, which resolves in many different kits, a few free such as the Archer, Elementalist, Speed, and the standard PVP kit, which is used in a huge arena, with many players, with kits containing soup or alternatively splash potions, which heal you, and can be refilled by different spots on the map by right-clicking a sign.

Prison: A mode on Munchy where players mine blocks in different areas and can sell the ores that they mine, to rank up and go to better mines, each class has four ranks, for example D4, D3, D2, and D1, and then C4, etc, all the way up to free, and then famous. Players can get keys too through different methods and unbox crates, which allows them to get special items to help them mine, or fight in PVP zones or outside, which is an area that contains powerful hostile creatures, but chests that contain goodies such as ores, or special items.

Survival: A mode on Munchy revolving the classic survival, where people build houses, and bases, and work together to make wonderful builds. They have a difference from vanilla though, such as gold being the currency, and players being able to deposit it in a bank, and buy auctioned items or make a shop in the wild or in the mall, they can also but teleporting tokens, so people can teleport to where the token was placed. There is also a portal room, which leads to the end, the nether, and a mining world, which all gets reset every week or so, and there are also kits in the game, and different ranks allow you to have access to different commands.

Wool Wars: A mode where players spawn with 2 stacks of wool and start to build up to chests that contain armor, building blocks, and weapons. Below them, slowly sandstone will start to appear, and if a player touches it they die. The game is about constantly building up to avoid the sandstone, and killing other players to be the last one standing, with kits to enhance the gameplay, such as Spiderman, Anvil, Jump boost, Glider, etc. Ranks can be bought on the store to obtain the kits, or bought individually.

Smash: A game mode revolving around kits allowing players to hit each other around, multiple lives, and trying to knock each other into the void, although I do not know much as almost no one is ever on the server, and usually not enough to start a game. Ranks on the store allow players to obtain all the kits.

Maze Runner: A game mode now shut down that revolves around 4different teams fighting to death trying to capture the other teams’ princess and a randomly generated map. Again, ranks on the store allow obtaining all the kits.

Classic Hunger Games: Players would spawn in a map, with chests in the middle, and spread out throughout the map, players would then have to fight each other for the loot, as a border slowly closes in, eventually leading to a showdown, with all the players still alive fight. The person who kills everyone else wins. The game is releasing for LEGENDS soon on October 14th.

Skywars: I’m not sure if this one had a twist or not, but the game revolved around a bunch of players spawning on their own islands, which contains chests with weapons armor and blocks, as they build to the middle which contained more loot, and usually loot that was more powerful. Players fought to the death and the last player alive would win.

Do you have any Anticheat experience? I do not have any AntiCheat experience, but I do know that most report a player for cheating, and then a moderator can check them out, or the anti-cheat automatically bans them. Most anti-cheats check for how fast a player is moving, what they are hitting and how fast they are clicking, if any of these are at an abnormal rate, they are usually banned.

Link us to any hacker reports you have made (recorded and/or reported) on MunchyMC:
I have made 5 hacker reports on the server.

SryUGotRekt - X-Ray

*Reported Player - SryUGotRekt Reason - X-Raying in survival. Description - SryUGotRekt was x-raying in survival, I acted like I didn’t believe him/her to get proof. *
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2bxMvWXfmA - Proof.

Sry was X-Raying on the server which I heard throught he chat, I pretended like I didn’t believe him and asked to teleport to get proof, which I recorded.
Ktrally555 - X-Ray

Reported Player - ktrally555 Reason - X-raying in survival. Description - ktrally555 was x-raying in survival, I acted like I didn’t believe him/her to get proof. https://youtu.be/bWRFPnPp5OI - Proof.

This person was using X-Ray on the server, I pretended I didn’t believe him so he would actually show it off, and he went and dug in a specific pattern and obtained rare ores.

Player Report - httf

Reported Player - httf Reason - X-raying in survival. Description - httf was x-raying in survival, I acted like I didn’t believe him to get proof. https://youtu.be/zdBu0j2NCIA - Evidence.

This player was also using X-Ray, but being more open about it. I did the same tactic as I mentioned above, and saw him obtain specific ores and digging in a certain pattern, after that I reported him and submitted the hacker report on the forums.

Jiraiyaaa Hacker Report

IGN: Jiraiyaaa Offense: Kill Aura, Reach? Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW0v6ASxzSY&feature=youtu.be

This player was just on KitPVP, I’m not sure why, but to me, it seemed as if they were hitting from afar, and seemed to constantly be hitting me. It was denied as it was not enough proof, and unfortunately, I deleted the video.


IGN: _ _ Fabian _ _ (No spaces.) Offense: Constantly flying on purgatory. Every time he/she gets banned, they come back and keep doing it. Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-0Dl4PfJ00&feature=youtu.be (I am deleting the video after the response.)

This hacker was on Purgatory, which I was on in adventure mode. They were clearly flying, and I could see them in the air moving, which I recorded and reported knowing they could blacklist or ban in another way. Unfortunately, the video footage to this too was deleted.

Languages spoken: My first language is English, which I’m fluent in, and I took Spanish as my 2nd language for basically my whole life, as I went to a Spanish preschool, Elementary school, and enrolled/graduated in two-way at middle school, I’m fluent in it. I also am starting to learn Arabic and Greek, and can understand a little of it.

Describe your contributions to MunchyMC thus far? My contributions to Munchy so far have mainly been giving suggestions and helping others in Survival, and other game modes. Once I even was on Prison every day for a long time trying to keep my 1 spot on the leaderboard and gave all my money to anyone who asked for it. I also report hackers whenever I can, and I have also tried to talk to toxic players trying to help them. In survival, I often also help with several builds and community events; like the time I rebuilt the HaloVille walls.

What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is one that I observed myself doing my whole life, persistence, once I want to do something, I keep trying to do it. Good example, I was once on Survival, and decided to build a bridge for the archive world, from 4000 x -8000 y to 4000 x -1600 y. Which took several days of hard work, it even takes 15 minutes flying at max speed to get from one side to the other, built with cobblestone.

Comment on your ability to work within a team: I have a better than average ability to work in a team, as I have been in moderation teams before on discord, helping resolve problems as a team, and I have learned many lessons from it, and also many of my experiences on Munchy have revolved around teamwork, especially in Survival when we build or do other things.

What is your experience and knowledge of hacks? I know several different types of hacks.

Killaura: The main hack, this allows players to automatically move the attack signal over a player and click fast, to attack them and combo them.

YesCheat+: Makes other features bypass AntiCheat plugins or blocks them if they can’t.

FightBot: A bot that automatically moves around and kills everything.

KillAuraLegit: A killaura that is slower to prevent detection.

Blink: Suspends motion updates when enabled.

Freecam: Allows you to move the camera without moving your character, and on some versions, when moving down the player actually sneaks.

Jesus: Allows you to walk on water and lava.

Parkour: Automatically jump when on the edge of a block.

Spider: Climb up walls.

Bunnyhop: Makes you jump when moving.

Speed: Makes you move faster than normal.

X-Ray: It allows you to see ores and chests through walls, sometimes you can customize this, and resource pack versions of this also exist.

TrueSight: See invisible entities.

PlayerESP: Highlights all players around you.

Regen: Regenerates health much faster.

Fullbright: See in the dark.

Fly: You can fly around like you are in creative mode.

RemoteView: See the world like someone else.

Scaffold: Places blocks below your feet.

Sneak: One of the oldest hacks, you sneak automatically so you can still run.

AntiFire: Makes you not catch on fire.

AntiKnockback: It makes you not take knockback.

AntiEffect: It makes you not obtain bad effects.

AutoSprint: Makes you run always.

Trajectories: Makes you see where an arrow will land.

FastBreak: Break blocks faster.

CrashChest: Generates a chest when upon opening crashes the player.

Criticals: Make all hits critical.

GhostHand: Reach certain blocks through walls.

Glide: Fall slowly when falling.

AutoArmor: Makes you equip the best armor automatically. A good workaround to this is giving the player diamond armor and see if they put it on.

FastBow: Shoot arrows faster.

AntiCactus: It makes you not take cactus damage.

Splash: Makes you throw splash potions automatically.

Caves: Find caves through walls.

ChestESP: Highlights all chests nearby.

CommandBlock: Obtain a command block without op.

FastLadder: Climb ladders faster.

HighJump: Makes you jump like jump-boost 2.

ItemESP: Highlights items.

NoClip: Move freely through blocks.

NoSlowdown: Move normal speed through water, soulsand, and cobwebs.

Phase: Go through blocks.

Safewalk: When you reach an end of a block, you don’t fall off.

Step: Walk-up full blocks like half slabs.

AutoFish: You automatically fish.

CameraNoClip: Allows the camera in freecam or 3rd person to go through walls.

ClickAura: Automatically attacks something on click.

FastPlace: Place blocks faster.

TPAura: Teleport around an entity while attacking it.

AntiBlind: Blocks blindness and nausea.

Soup: Automatically uses and throws away the soup you have.

Steal: Automatically take everything from a chest.

BoatFly: Allows you to fly with boats, as shown with one of my player reports.

CrashTag: Kicks all players that can see the mob that gets right-clicked with the nametag.

NoFall: Don’t take fall damage.

Edit 1: Did not realize they changed one of the questions, added it in.
Edit 2: Forgot * at the end of one question.
Edit 3: Forgot to post edits.
Edit 4: Removed a meme.

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+1, I like this app.

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+1 mature and detailed!

Thank you!

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Thanks, I try.

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You have a very detailed application and I see you on survival quite often, but you have not answered one of the questions.

When did you join MunchyMC and what made you stay?


Ah, I did not realize they changed the question! I edited accordingly.

Edit: The auto MunchyMC template for creating a new template when you hit create topic does not include this.

Alright! It seems you are very dedicated to writing a detailed application. (Great edit!)


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+1 Solid Application!
Mature on the forums!

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+1 Good application and very detailed

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Thank you!

Thank’s Fang.

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+1 Great application and u a homie :p

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Ty Crumbs.

Lots of effort in the application, and noticeably more friendly than most and focused on helping out. I personally prefer you get Helper for the time being. You’ve done a good deal of work so far, keep it up! It has not gone unnoticed. I left over the summer and have seen little decline in your habits.

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I don’t really know why you made the application like this personally it makes it harder to read but
+1 I didn’t see you a lot in-game but it might be because of time zones, I saw you a lot on the forums
you are mature and I think you deserve this position!

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Ah, I did that so my answers would stand out more and it wouldn’t look messy, thanks for the feedback!

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Thank you!

Application denied. Try to work on being more interactive with our staff team so we can better get to know you. However, please contact me on discord as I have a proposal to discuss with you: Antfrost#6098