One year Map 9 - CELEBRATION

In exact 1 month from now (16th of July 2023) our beloved map 9 exists 1 year! Time for a bit of celebration aye? On the there will be several things added:

Friends appreciations
You can send in your personal appreciation for a friend. Add this is super easy! You write a short note (no, not a whole book work this time) about why you appreciate that specific friend and add the most wonderfull screenshot you have of that player. So for example if I want to nominate Floki I’ll send something like:

Wu-Knows nominated Floki - “Floki is the best cm you can wish for. He thought me how to code and next to that he created LIVE”

(couldn’t find a better ss of Floki, sorry :roll_eyes:)

You can send these nominations in the following channels:

  • directly under this post
  • the discord channel from the item-guide (1 year map 9 - friend nominations channel)
  • my personal disc (wuknows)

You can send them for as many friends as you want and you can also send them about a group/gang

Memory Lane Map 9
I want to collect screenshots/vids from map 9. This can be everything. Amazing pvp-fights, finding your first myth, gang cells. You name it, I can add it! Same ways as for the appreciation posts.

I’m very curious to see what you guys come up with :) be creative!

Wu :hibiscus:


That’s so wholesome. :pleading_face:


I appreciate @Phol for being a worthless, jobless, poor, drunken, ignorant, selfish, stupid, unloyal, weak, incompetent, irresponsible, and unloving father and leaving me and my adoptive mother and all my friends for prison. He also left me out of a cool event :frowning:


(We’re best friends don’t worry)

I appreciate @DREX0R for reacting on every post from me on prison forums eventhough he doesn’t even play prison :slight_smile:

  • insert 5 characters to be able to post that



This is such a sweet post, and great idea Wu!! You and your item guide are so amazing!! Keep up the amazing work luv! :heart_eyes:


Sorry lol I just saw an opportunity to yank phols leg plus not every post didn’t react to this one Here plus I enjoy the series

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Another lovely idea from Wu :raised_hands:


Tyy I was so scared that ppl wouldn’t do it but I already received a couple :slight_smile: hopefully I have lots of them soon!


I appreciate @TheRedVelvetCake


Hey @leeaff you forgot step 2 and 3:

-best ss you have from that player


oh ya my fault,

  1. he gave me a kiss on the cheek (havent cleaned that cheek in over 12 weeks)


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The dirty cheeks from @leeaff

I don’t want to tell you who you need to add but yk technically you can do whole Shark-gang. Your choice if you do it but it would be a shame if everyone would leave Shark yk…

No pressure! :kissing_heart:

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@EvillRat Wheres my friendship appreciation :pleading_face:




Appreciate just511 for helping me realise that meeted is actually the second worst pvper on the server because Justin is somehow worse
Someone pls post the screenshot of Justin dying to a mama bear

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I don’t have screens but oh well:

@NaoIsHere @Malalaa @ItsSnowyAmelia @Wu_Knows @jessixac @alexisytical are absolute cuties!

@TheyCallMeOhGo @TheFireGamer210 @Shoblette @IceBreaker420 @Scop211 @Napkin0fVembz @Phol @prismv appreciate y’all very much!

@JimboTheDaddy @leeaff cause I don’t know, but they at least deserved a mention?

@TheRedVelvetCake ok.

Am I sorry for the pings, I really am…


Wtf I thought we were bsfs :pleading_face:

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Dw you still have a place on my heart


what about the fishing set i gave you

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