Offensive skins bannable?

Are offensive skins bannable? I found one with a swastika, and i’ve seen that as a rule on some servers.

Yes. Any skin that shows racist/homophobic or anything nsfw is not allowed. Please report it if you see it(either in game to a moderator or on the MunchyMC discord).


Yes, Offensive Skin or Username

Players with inappropriate names or skins will be temp-banned from the server until their name/skin is changed.

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Thanks. I assume i DM the screenshots then?

You can pm them to me on the forums or discord

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i have a questione, are nsfw optifine cales allowed?

Probably not as I think they would be classed as part of a skin. However, I haven’t ever heard of a nsfw cape

The question has been answered, I’m closing the topic.