Nuclear WoolWars Map Submission

If you would like to see it in-game without downloading the map, connect to Versions 1.8 - 1.16

Note to Staff: Please don’t delete my post for allowing users to connect to a server to view the map. I am only doing that to allow easy of access for players that don’t want to go through the hassle of downloading the map. If any issues arise, please tell me. Thanks!

Map name: Nuclear
Creator(s): _Pixel0 (myself)
Map type: NORMAL
Parkour block: IRON_BLOCK
Player podium block: MOSSY_COBBLESTONE

Map download link: Google Drive

EDIT: Added some suggestions thanks to @HELIXED

First of all you should know that chests spawn in the air randomly (once it’s in game) so you don’t need to put them in the air, only really put them where you want them to be guaranteed.

It looks good, but the walls are kind of bland (just stone) and you seem to have built nothing at top.

I suggest adding floating islands, maybe add some buildings/a lab at the bottom.
I suggest looking at a few accepted map submissions to get an idea about how many islands you should put on your map.

It is well built though! Remember, these are all just my opinion.


Thank you for your reply! I will update it to add some buildings/islands like you suggested to make it more filled. Also, I will remove the chest spawn locations in the air. Thank you for your reply.

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I’ve checked out the map and have some advice:
First of all, I really like what you’ve got! I think it is a very unique and creative idea.
Really needs more platforms. The map is super empty at the moment and, despite auto generating chests, will barely have any chests on it.
I recommend adjusting the platforms to fit the theme of the map a bit more too!
As Helix said, you should look at more accepted map designs to get an idea of the amount of islands and also maybe some other little things to make your map unique!

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Thank you for your advice!

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The build is really cool, but I would add more things in the sky, the concept is really cool though, as well as the map

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I do like your map, although by the screenshots it seems there is absolutely nothing at the top for players to get loot from, you need more along the walls, as most players tower there, and more in the middle.


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Unfortunately your submission has been unsuccessful this time but please don’t be discouraged, we are always delighted any time we get new maps from players and we’d love to see more of these from you!
