New Mining Item Idea

Theres been an extreme amount of mining buffs lately and it all has added up to a decent mining expirience, but there is one item that would be a great addition in my opinion.

In map 8 there was an item many of you may be familiar with an ultra called “Joker Shoes”. It would break the entire layer of the mine with the pickaxe you were holding, it had a 30 minute cooldown but granted many possibilities. That item would be extremely useful this map since there are so many varying pickaxe abilities. An item like this could be implimented to finish off either the Maleficent set or Ugly Duckling set, possibly a legendary even.


Map ends in a couple months, let them work on next map instead of adding some random mining item


Stop putting leg on cd you gremlin

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okay ill try but dont use all my dust without a turf smh


It was a god turf wdym?

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oh u get anything good?


what do you think :crying_cat_face:

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Tf does the joker gotta do with mining bro, like I don’t think health ledger just says “do you now how I got this extinct Batman”


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Works for me

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Each map has a theme examples can be: Harry Potter theme, SuperHero theme or our current map theme fairy tales. The items that are in the map are based on the theme of the map so fairy tales “Red Riding Hood”


Ik that but why jokers shoes?

The item names dont have much relation to what the charecter does in the shows or movies

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bro’s triggered over an item name im dead x100

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Nah it ain’t that deep just confused my man