Need to be better at pvp

Hi my ign is TheFIshyGamer_ and I am bad at pvp yesterday I was teased by some people :frowning: Can someone teach me how to pvp better

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just click on their heads

There’s many ways to be good,

  • strafe
  • w tap / s tap
  • circle them
  • focus on legs/head
  • click atleast 6-7 cps

do not do this, its a hacked client and it will get u banned

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Personally, getting better at pvp takes a lot of time.
Here are 3 major things you need to focus on in terms of pvping:

  • PvP techniques (refer back to what @iiFadz said)
  • Clicking (Jitter clicking or Butterfly clicking)

  • Souping (getting down 1-9 keybinds, dropping the bowl after souping)

Again, it’ll take a lot of time and patience getting these down. Just keep doing these, watching videos, practicing and you’ll be sure to see an improvement.


I can recommend watching SAO.
Everyone is fighting with swords and/or shields or daggers, but only one of these 6k players is using 2 swords.
His cps must be stonks, when he uses Starburst Stream. xD

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can confirm, pvp skills went up by 420% after watching

just buy an AK SG or deagle, and click on there heads once. or if you suck buy an awp and click on them from chest and up

same here

And if you cant hit them with awp, just hold down left click with negev! Works too.

actually thats the best tip.
1700 for a LASER

learn to strafe, w tap and have good aim. Aim for head level to get maximum reach

you dont need to click 472938019840 cps. That can come after. Learn to aim and w tap
A common mistake by noobs with w tapping is that they think w tapping is spamming the w key. W tapping is hitting the person, then you let go of w and quickly press it back. It has to be timed
you can also learn to blockhit

Thanks for the advice, but please don’t necro-post!