My wool wars map gaming room

This map was created by Dsww

Map name, Gaming Room
Max players, 14
Waiting spawn locations, 1019 2526
game spawn locations, 1186 2367,1182 2389,1190 2388,1194 2389,1178 2390,1198 2390,1198 2428,1194 2429,1190 2432,1186 2434,1182 2432,1178 2430,1175 2428
Center X,1186
Center Z, 2411
Lowest Y, 68
Height limit, 128
Parkour material, Polished Andesite
Picture of the map,

Updated Map download, Gaming room map 1.1 - Google Drive
@TheBoop @Warlock505 @Fumaz

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could do with some more islands

Idk where i could add more islands

in the air


@ShadowLegend27 Agreed, more islands needed.

okay ill get to work!

Thanks for the response, we are working on it right now.



Like the idea and as you say you already added more islands, really cool map and hope to play it on woolwars, also the details are good but could decorate even better the walls and structures
however, ill give a +1

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thank you!

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Anything i should fix?

Looks cool!

I want to play on this map lol looks great!

Why is the guy who’s gaming sad? (lol)

his pc blue screened thats why hes sad

Thank you! <3

Thank you!