MunchyMC Rap ideas (Finale)

Add the story of the famous, world-class, saladbutter. This is how it goes,

In 2003, February 14, a baby was born. Not any ordinary baby, the super ultra mega baby named saladbutter. He grew up to be an epic minecrafter, fighting notoriously against other not epic minecrafters in MCPVP’s EPIC Hunger Games, later to be known as Hardcore Games. After the closing of MCPVP, he was left stranded, without anything to play. He was searching, and hopped from server to server, unlucky with finding a server to fulfill the hole in his heart that MCPVP left, until he found Munchy MINECRAFT. He joined June 25th, 2015, and gamed epicly under the name of Boomer0214. He quit minecraft for about a year and a half, playing random games, and then completely quitting gaming for several months, occasionally joining the beginning of the new prison maps, but being the pre-legend he was, not knowing anything about prison, he would get unepicly dominated by the no lifes that gamed so fr**eaking epicly… This is when our story jumps close to the middle of Prison, Map 4. This took place at around September/October 2018. saladbutter gamed all day and all night, gaming and ganging, until the end of the map. salad had been applying for ranks he thought would be enjoyable, getting denied for Event and then being accepted to the idea panel, suggesting and ideas that require 200+ IQ. He applied for Event team, and then requested for it, sadly, to be denied. Then came bug testing team, which he made, and then Event team again :hear_no_evil:! This leads us to now, present time, when saladbutter just finished his autobiography of minecraft gaming :sunglasses: