MunchyMC prison turning P2W

Map 6 Changes for the worst
Map 6 for prison started out fairly normal with a good amount of ultras with a wide range of abilities and the normal “P2W” players buying crates to get the first few ultras. After these first few days the ultra chance was increased in crates as they were found to be too low, which made sense. However on Wednesday February 6th mafia rank was added to the server. This seemed extremely overpowered as upon purchase a player would receive 25 mafia crates which roughly have a 10% chance of an ultra, and 40 regular crates with normal odds. This was insanely overpowered as some people just bought the rank and gained 4-6 ultras in an instant along with the best sword and armor on the server. Calculating the odds of getting only 2-3 ultras and normal items a player who bought this rank could gain around 2 million - 3 million by selling all items at lesser prices. It slowly built up until people realized how broken mafia armor was against a regular guard armor player. A person wearing full guard with a guard sword who would fight even a half mafia set with mafia sword would never win the fight even if the guard set hit twice as many times. I have even seen players such as Casper win 1v3s because they have the insane advantage in armor and weaponry. After this update happened the server slowly increased in a gap between normal players who didn’t have a rank and mafia players.

Valentines day
On February 13th, dream added the valentines day crates which has a 1.8% chance of a valentines day rare and a rough estimate of 8% chance of a regular ultra. These crates go for roughly 1$ per and using simple math a player will get two valentines day rares per 100$ of crates bought (this is due to the crate bonus upon purchase at higher ranks) However since the world is not pure numbers and luck is involved some people managed to get 3 valentines day rares in 40 crates or 1 in 200. This led to people such as Shoblette and Thot buying massive amounts and starting to own the server due to the “P2W” factor. I have tested many of the valentines day rares and they are insanely broken causing people to be able to gain 1 million an hour or selling them right away for at least 1.5 mil each thus causing another market disparity between normal players and “rich” players. Also today on the 14th I learned that Dream plans on adding a 10$ item that can be bought on the online store which will give the player access to getting valentine day rares outside. Which is P2W again.

The Point
Although I may have gone off for a long time the main point of this discussion is the absurd amount of items and ranks that have been added very early in release of this map that have shifted the entire balance of prison leading to players such as Shoblette, 24Kobe, and Aurora each leading certain parts of the map due to the crates they bought. Going off of this point I would like this idea of P2W to be addressed as many people have complained about it. These players range from 24Kobe (who has donated the most this month) to Combo ( who hasnt bought a thing) showing the overall idea that this is broken. One last statement I would like to make is spoken directly from Aurora who has spent insane amounts of money on the server - “The only reason I buy items is because they are Pay-to-win leading to me having an advantage.”

Please do something about this as its ridiculous how much the difference in items between free-to-play players and pay-to-win players

  • YagaFlakaFlame or Playstation1

Please say something along the lines of “I agree” or such if you feel this is true. Thanks!

I do have to say, I am very disappointed in the way dream is taking the prison server.

Mafia rank right after release, that gave people a high chance of getting ultras.

Special Crates right after that, people also got a huge amount of ultras from this.

Soon to be feature: Package for money to fine specials outside. (P2W Feature)

It’s stupid, the disparity between p2w players and normal players this map has never been as bad as it has been, and is going to get worse the way dream is going. I think all dream sees is money and not the consequences and effects that will happen.

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I wonder why the whole Munchy server has not been banned for cooperating with the prison server.

“even seen players such as Casper win 1v3s because they have the insane advantage in armor and weaponry.”

yes i win 1v3s all day errey day because of my armour starman32 > all

Hey, fine u might be a god as well but thats besides the point

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anyways. map 4 there were special crates that you could buy then after a week or so you could find them outside as a normal player. all this is is special crates that you can buy then you have to buy another add-on feature in order to be ABLE to find specials outside. I wouldn’t say it’s pay 2 win but its definitely unfair for people who play the game free to play, lets take fortnite for example- game is completely free to play but you can purchase cosmetics that make the game more enjoyable, in this case you are essentially purchasing rares off the store, instead, you should be able to purchase things that make the game more enjoyable and efficient such as /drugdealer /scavenger etc etc, the daily crates was a nice add-on but overall special crates and any event themed crate is very stupid imo

I’d say do no more special crate bullshit as it’s very annoying how someone like 24Kobe can purchase thousands in crates and just get extremely rich by essentially doing nothing to work for it. Specials are just stupid, they don’t fit properly. You can’t have something that’s in between ultras and legendaries, it doesn’t work. it’s hard enough to establish between the two classifications. i.e morpheus wings, all they are are literally genie mists from last map which were an ultra, btw boots so you also took less damage.

I remember those! Callahan would release a new set and then 2 weeks later, the whole server could find them outside! Also, ALL of the specials were COLLECTIBLES and fun items to mess around with… not items to break the economy.

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