Munchy meme Monday #43

Hello everyone and welcome to another munchy meme Monday ofc on a Tuesday as usual. I hope you are having a great day because I am glad to show 2 cool pieces of artwork for starting with wina_does_art and her woolwars poopers logo then jediaj212 with me as a wizard lobster!

If you want to have your art in a munchy meme Monday then dm me here or on discord (drex0r)
Now enjoy the memes






Hot take Tuesdays worse then Monday
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Anyways thanks for reading and see you next Tuesday for munchy meme Monday!

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no ty

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The show this character is from is very kid friendly! google happy tree friends to learn more!

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I legit just saw the template I seriously don’t research if a show or meme is age appropriate, it ain’t even doing anything so idrc

I fixed the meme since it could bother someone if where it’s from is as bad as you claim

i overslept from school today because of this