Monthly Build Exhibition (April)

SierAlex is stealing my thunder now but it’s okay I’m still committing (this is a light hearted jab, editing this like an hour later because I realized this might sound rude oops). Welcome to Sym continues to make things in a virtual block world and not make paintings like I am supposed to featuring: 2 arenas, 1 detail-work practice, and 1 bonus build from a modded server I’ve been playing on that has really fun building blocks and… I’m mad they aren’t in vanilla

Anyways remember Red Light Green Light? I think I mentioned it at some point. Yeah I finally got around to finishing that, though not in the originally intended way but it’s fine.

Here’s Munchyrooms. Backrooms but with Munchy themes that are either forgotten or disliked/complained about, or just fitting to the liminal or “spooky” theme. Doesn’t mean I personally dislike them though! I was actually happy to be able to give them some love by featuring them in this :D Since it’s a maze there’s no really good way to show it off, so I’m just showing the easter egg Landmark I put on each floor. 3 floors! Waterdrop (in our good year of 2024…), Prison, and the Red Egg lore. MOODY LIGHTING. Moody lighting for this game is so top tier. Also I added some of my prison friends in the Floor 2 landmark :D

Now I MAYYY have built this in March… but it was after my March post so Im counting it I simply do not care. Beach house! In terms of detailing I’m not really that kind of builder. Just wanted to practice it a little bit, but I’m a simple/abstract artist at heart. I don’t think I’d get as far as I would want with it. But I think it’s cute regardless!

And for a bonus, I have been playing as a fairy character for a modded SMP I’m on. I really wish so many of these building blocks were in vanilla it would be so amazing, but alas. Just mods. So here’s my character’s little house area. Don’t worry about the literal dinosaur over there it’s FINE!

That’s all I have for now. As much as I worry sometimes that my builds aren’t detailed like the majority like, I remember that my paintings are the same and people still like those. Maybe not everyone will like them, but that’s okay. Detail isn’t always everything! The thing about my event arenas is that even if they aren’t super detailed down to the last block, people still really enjoy them and they still work, and why is that? I believe that it’s a mix of creativity, gameplay, and immersion. And immersion doesn’t always have to be hyper detail. It can be the silly little skits that I make for them, like costumes for the players that aren’t “necessary” but play into the atmosphere and roleplaying factor. Every week I see people ask for events like Bees Vs Wasps and Chicken Chase by name, and there’s nothing super original to those in terms of gameplay. One is just PVP and the other is basically Death Tag. But they’re highly enjoyed anyways, because the arenas are creative enough, and the skits fit to make the players look like bees, wasps, chickens, or foxes respectively.

What I mean to say is, don’t always base your building worth off of detail alone. Yes, most teams look for that, but that’s just what they are looking for, it doesn’t mean your builds are objectively bad. It’s just better to be proud of your work or your progress first, and build for the benefit or approval of others second.

I will be back for May! My birthday’s in May too. Never had the best time with my birthday but I believe it will be great this year. Will probably make a birthday build that I can post too!


How exciting!!!

not for me im just getting even more ancient /lh


Everytime I open a post of yours I know you’ll find yet again another way to surprise me, those builds look just as amazing as always :clap:

Also ahem I thought I was tripping for a second :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And of course happy birthday in advance! :tada:

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Pretty sure you were there during the summer 2022 prison era and we were some level of friends at that point so in the cell you go


I’m gonna pretend I knew what Prison was in the summer of 2022 :sweat_smile:

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Shhh you were totally there

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Nice builds sym, You contribute a lot to the community.

