Mogii's Media Application

Channel link:

Number of subs: 47,000

Average number of views per vid: Always above 1,000

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: I’ve done a stream or two in the past, and another one very recently. As for other servers, I’ve made videos since 2013, starting with TheHive.

Servers for which you have created content:
MunchyMC, Anubis, SharksCraft, Hypixel, TheHive, Cubecraft. . . and the list goes on.
What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I’m a massive fan of Woolwars and am interested in checking out the other gamemodes aswell!

Funfact: I was supposed to do a “Hacker build” video with Skeppy, BadBoyHalo and Shark, but I fell asleep 10 minutes before we started recording :) :) ):


I have been scrolling down your videos, and can’t seem to find any videos about Munchy. I suggest you upload more videos of Munchy. My score will be a +0, try and upload more Munchy related content. Good luck!


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Click the on the blue, friend


I think you think a very great channel! I really like your videos and streams! You also have a huge channel!

One thing I recommend doing is adding more Munchy content to your channel. But overall, I’ll give you a +1!

Good luck! :smiley:

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As others have said, I think you should upload more on the server, but I think your content is very interesting and you have a great, growing channel.

I’ll be giving you a +0.75

Good luck!


I don’t necessarily agree with the matter of adding more videos before getting Media Rank on this case, as judging by a stream done 13 hours ago, you have at least proven to me you are capable of bringing more people to the server and develop more interest in Munchy within your fanbase.

Absolute +1 from me, good luck!

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+1 Good Luck

Heya Mogii!

Your application has been accepted! Please contact me on discord for details :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :tada: ( EeveeNoises#0014 )