MMM, Flesh

Hi! My name is (what?)
My name is (who?)
My name is:
Slim Shady
my treasured reflected light is: #929ADC not to beconfused with a6d. although he’s pretty cool, he seems like he could be in a fauve, but it doesn’t really matter because my ideal digestible is: Meatloaf. You might be wondering just how I discovered this pulchritudinous sodality : i saw BadBoyHalo’s videos like 2 years ago it was so good it got me messed up. i needed 12 months of modality. I guess i was hard pressed to find the best minecraft video. BadBoyHalo got me thinking like Socrates and Plato, anyways now for a supplementary piece with regards to myself: i have been using pc mainly for gaming since i was 3, but for a while my laptop was just picking up dust on a shelf. one day i decided i wanted to be the greatest gamer there would ever be. i used to crank 90’s on the daily. now i just chill and mine diamonds with steve

Welcome to the forums. Interesting read.:sweat_smile:

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