Mining buff ideas

More Haste Items
Currently, there are only 5 ways to get haste. Haste fish, Haste eggs, Snow White Pickaxe, Prestige Shop Haste, and the new Extinct item Ursula Pickaxe. Haste 3 is the max Haste you can (that is effective) achieve without an extinct rare, which means mining is extremely slow and takes a whole lot of patience. If there was more haste, we could all enjoy mining a lot more, and it would be much more enjoyable and satisfying. Last map there were Black Panther legs, if i remember correctly they gave passive haste 10 while wearing,

Longer Mine Resets
In the past when RedVelvetCake has asked me if longer mine resets would improve mining, I replied saying that it would not because the time of mining was not an issue, it was simply the time compared to woodmining. However in recent endeavors I have discovered that 15 minutes, or even 30 minutes of mining simply is not enough time to mine enough to make nearly as much as woodmining.

Prestige Shop Mining Perks
Woodmining has lumber logger, fishing has (fishing p perks idk), looting has personal scavenger, and all mining has is haste. Some sort of mining version of lumber logger would be really epic and a great addition in my opinion, it would stack with mining boost to make even more drops, and maybe even more gems when you get gem drops from fishing as a cool bonus.

More layer upgrades per Mine Reset
Another thing that limits the amount of money one can make in two mine resets or one without olafs freeze ray, but nonetheless you can only achieve 4 layer upgrades with this. If even 2 more upgrades per mine reset, that would be a huge upgrade and allow much more possibilities.

Lower Ghost Plasm cooldown
A cool yet underwhelming item would be ghost plasm, the cooldown on it only allows it to be used twice in one mine reset, around 3 times if you use Olaf freeze ray, but nonetheless, barely usable in a strategy since it is such a long cd it has to be used extremely precisely.

Ursula Pick Buff
When the new Extinct released, hopes were high for many people, but also for many different things. When MalaVT found the new Extinct and it was revealed to be a Pickaxe, the hopes were high but when the ability was discovered that it’s only abilities were to spawn mining events and high haste for a few seconds it was a big let down. A Pickaxe especially of the Extinct rarity, should have a grand ability other than spawning rushes.

Easter Bunny Fur buff
Easter bunny fur is a great item, but the block drops and the amount each drop is equal to, does not make much of a difference. If mining already makes so little, and this chest plate maybe drops an amount to 50% more money.

Mining drops price buff
Mining drops do equal very little. Using a fabled goldilocks on a Shrek Toe with a max set barely amounts to 200mil, and that can be done every 2 hours. Meanwhile if you were to go mine wood for less than 5 minutes you can make more than double that, I understand not wanting to increase the drop amounts by a grand amount, but it does end up leaving mining one of the worst money methods.

Feel free to leave a reply with more ideas or just an overall response! thank you for reading nontheless though! :D


Going along this too, i think shrek toes should be buffed


what do you think would be a good buff? More emerald drop multiplier? or maybe a bigger radius of emeralds?

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I want to say that Shrek Toes are on the technical side of being bonkers strong, as it’s one of the only items that has an uncapped multiplier attached to it. The fabled Goldi pickaxe also technically has one, but it’s chance based (I forgot what Red told me about the ratios) and the fortune of the fabled Goldi isn’t all that great to use either.

I do think that yeah, there should be an uncapped multiplier just like woodmining, then mining would definitely be so much better. Also, Mad Hatter’s & UL Mad Hatter’s should not have a 30 minute CD. Unless that item is so omega buffed where the radius is something silly like 25x10x25, it will not be worth using due to how long the CD is.

OH, I also forgot another silly but poor item. The UL Pinocchio Shoes. While the vertical radius is considerable with how tall it is, the horizontal radius is absurdly small in comparison. Its quartz generation is also extremely lackluster as well, since to get that many emerald blocks, you’re better off using toes for the emerald multiplier instead of turning it into copper and some quartz


When Mala and I first tested the Ursula’s Pickaxe, it was painfully underwhelming. Red did confirm he would be buffing it, but the buffs still didn’t seem adequate for an extinct rare item (other than the turf spawning ability). Feels like an extinct pickaxe should do more than just spawn rushes, especially when there aren’t any significant items that make rushes worth the while.

However, I have to disagree with mining prices being buffed. Recently there was a mining specific item that acts as a 1.6x multiplier to minerals, that being Pollen. While it feels odd that it was implemented into an item, there was an effort there that shouldn’t go unnoticed.

I do agree though that overall, mining this map is extremely underpowered compared to other maps, and while I like that idea to prevent people from reaching billions, it seems counterproductive to decide to nerf mining collectively, and then add items into wood mining that makes multiple billions in less than an hour.


While I agree with many of these mining buffs, I have to question one for the extinct.

I have never liked the idea of extremely rare items that are pretty much required to stand a chance because it reduces any competitive aspect to months long rng. I’ve always thought extremely rare items should probably be a novelty at best. Making an item super rare doesn’t make it more balanced, and can in fact make the game less balanced.

The ursula pick being able to spawn a turf and looting lotto is VERY good, underrated, and will be even more powerful once there’s more than one in the game. It doesn’t need a mining buff, and it’d be unfair to give it one.

But yeah, the general problem with mining is the set ups either take too long, have too much completely pointless rng (pinn shoes radius, tryna get quartz blocks with cupin wings etc etc), and ores are just generally undervalued

So they released a bunch of mining items in the easter crates… but all that means is easter crates are the worst crates because mining still sucks, and you need the grin to use any of the mining items. This man has the grin, and he’s still saying mining sucks…

Why is it that what was once considered the primary way to make money in the game has been basically irrelevant for 2 maps now? Why is mining so neglected, and why they so overly cautious about buffing it, while buffing woodmining into the stars?

You should be able to make more money mining consistently than woodmining. AND YOU SHOULDN’T BE REQUIRED TO HAVE AN ALT TO PLAY THE GAME, WHY IS THAT A THING?


I have a bit of criticism on Mad Hatter’s and how it operates in the current meta, as well as comparing it vs other items that accomplish a more “instant money generation” in a much, much faster & larger way.

I decided to do some testing for the Mad Hatter’s Pickaxe The current dimensions of the spawned blocks are 6 in all directions starting from the center and 3 tall. The UL might be this one or it might be the regular version? However, I cannot get accurate results for it due to the UL being bugged and extremely inconsistent to use (THIS IS BEING FIXED).

If we upgrade the blocks enough times that we’re able to use the UL Pinocchio Shoes to upgrade the emeralds into copper and very sparse amounts of quartz, we’ll have an estimation of roughly 80% copper and the rest being quartz or something along those lines? With this in mind, let’s assume that the player also has Pollen for a 1.6x buff and they’re using the Bad Boy Halo Heart as their main method to keep the blocks there for as long as possible, rather than directly mining it. And additionally, they did not use Ghost Plasm to upgrade the copper further into quartz.

The amount of money I tested with this strategy yielded around roughly ~30m, accounting for a Fabled Wu Know’s active ability and finishing the rest with a UL Big Bad Wolf Pickaxe (efficiency & fortune 8). If instead mining directly with said fabled Wu Know’s and equipping a Bunny’s Fur, the overall yield is around roughly ~50-80m, depending on if you use an extra Wu Know’s active or not.

In my opinion, for how much the pickaxe can yield is certainly underwhelming for a 30 minute timer, especially if we consider the UL or not. 30 minutes is one of the longest mining CDs, right next to Olaf Freeze Ray (though this is immensely game changing comparably), followed by Elsa Dress’s 20 minute CD, fabled Elsa Dress & Shrek Toes falling/damage emerald spawn & Cupid Pickaxe’s 15 minute CD, and then Ghost Plasm’s 10 minute CD. Though why compare these to Mad Hatter’s? The reason being is that all of these, despite how silly & lackluster the money is from Elsa/fabled can be in terms of what they do & how much money is made, is that all of them preform a much better task or solution or potential to setting something up or gaining money. Additionally, if we compare Mad Hatter’s to the likes of Jack’s Magical Beanstalk and the UL version, they do not have immensely long CDs (2 minutes and 10 minutes respectively), they have insanely high potential for what they can do, and they are not globally capped if you have more than a certain amount of the same items.

A rather obligatorily common suggestion would be to reduce the CD, and to be fair, that would very much help out the pickaxes to not be so horrifically underpowered. But what about a different solution than reducing the CD? If we want to take the more convoluted route and keep the CDs and globally shared CDs, we can try buffing the overall radius to absurd levels to make it feel strong & powerful. Additionally, we could make the UL Mad Hatter’s spawn quartz or have it spawn redstone ore inside of it, making it viable for more setup potential & otherwise slowly but surely turning the entire cube of copper into quartz. Let’s talk radius! Why not 7x3x7 for the regular Mad Hatter’s, and 15x5x15 for the UL version? Sure, the UL would be absolutely bonkers strong, but it does have a 30 minute CD and you already sacrificed 8 of the same ultras and a UL shard just to make one of them. If we assume that the average redstone in a UL version is roughly 6 or something every layer, then after a single session of mining all that redstone, an enormous portion will become mostly, if not almost entirely quartz blocks. Although, I do believe that the regular Mad Hatter’s should be allowed to have up to 2 unique uses/2 different pickaxes before having a global CD.

TL:DR: The effects aren’t worth what the very long cooldown is and other items can accomplish what it does faster, better, and more reliably. Let’s buff the radius! Regular ultra: 7x3x7. UL version: 15x5x15; also can spawn redstone ore to upgrade itself.
Also, I should mention that this was tested with an absolutely minmaxed set, with practically every possible max variable imaginable. The only items that were not used were Jelly Beans (no renewable source outside of paying real money), Bunny Grin (arguably rarest item in the game & requires over hundreds of dollars of real money), and the new Extinct pickaxe that doesn’t really accomplish much or do anything for Mad Hatter’s, and is also the rarest item in the game as well.