Minebender9’s Media Application

~Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/c/minebender9

~Number of subs/followers: 12,054

~Average number of views per video and/or stream: I have 1,486,923 views divided by the number of videos on my channel (57), which is equal to 26,086 average views per video.

~How long you have been creating content for Munchy and/or other servers?:
I have been streaming on MunchyMC for a while now but I technically only have one public video on the network. (1,210 views in the first day!) I plan on making lots more Munchy content in the near future though :slight_smile:! As for other servers, I have created Hypixel content for years (My first stream in 2017 was on Hypixel) and I have made InvadedLands content in the past.

~Servers for which you have created content:
MunchyMC, InvadedLands, Hypixel.

~Why would you like to join the Media Team? What makes you a good candidate for the team?
I would love to join the media team because MunchyMC is a favorite server of mine, and I just love this friendly, caring, and passionate community. I believe I would be a good candidate because I am lucky enough to have a large community that could bring more players to the server and because this server has a special place in my heart, so I really care about bringing more players and doing my part to help the server while at the same time, doing what I love <3

Thanks for reading my application and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day :smiley:


+1 meets requirements


Well let’s first start with the Application itself! You do meet all the requirements without any problems. But I have some questions for you.

These pictures show that you’ve either never rlly played the server before, or you bought a stats reset which I doubt alot!

You do meet the requirements, but you definitely don’t meet the activity if you say “It has a special meaning to me”

I can see that you’ve, like you said you did, did one video about Munchy.

And also your clicks and subscribers got bumped by a video that went viral but your average view count is rather 200-600 if not less. Your estimated 26.000 is false information! You just divided ~1.4mio ÷ 57 and got your “average” viewer count.

I personally would like to see more videos about Munchy and definitely more activity and no more lies about how Munchy is your favorite server.

Still best of luck with your Application!

kind regards

Henry :heart:


-1 You definitely meet the sub requirements however have very minimal munchy content

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  • You meet the subscriber requirements.
  • I feel like you could made a few more Munchy videos.
  • You don’t have a lot of activity on the server.

Good luck either way!


Well I do get around 50K views a month, and technically that information is correct considering it’s the average views per video, not minimum.

Also I didn’t lie in my application, MunchyMC has a special place in my heart. I love to do events when BadBoyHalo streams and I love playing Wool Wars.

But thank you for your honest review of my application, I appreciate it!


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Bobby makes 10 dollars an hour working at mcdonalds, if bobby wins the lottery, does that count towards his hourly pay? Would we now say bobby makes hundreds of dollars an hour? Or if bobby works one hour after this and never works again, does bobby make millions in an hour? What if he works zero hours, does he now make Infinite money every hour he works? All of these are technically correct, they are just incredibly misleading

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Anyone can see exactly how many views I have on every video so it’s not a big deal. I just answered a question about my average views. It’s not like I won the lottery with one video, I have multiple videos with over 100K views and most videos above 1K.

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Im simply explaining why people are saying these things and why claiming an average like this is misleading. i have nothing against you.

If you state to play the BBH Events, I will definitely change my opinion a bit!

As most of people know, we can’t see any statistics about the event server.

Overall, your average views a month is not to actually what im looking at. Im rather looking at the average view count of every video.

Taking a closer look at your replies and also your linked YouTube channel, I’d like to bump the Average view count to 300-1200 instead of 200 - 600

For example, I had a view count of 200 every month. But most of my videos had like 30-40 views. That counts as Average views.

Like already said, I can’t see any actual activity on Woolwars from you. I don’t know if you have alts, (a 2nd account) but I personally, judging the MunchyMC website, can’t see any actual good activity.

So as of right now, If you have enough time,

  • play more gamemodes
  • get more known in the community
  • produce more MunchyMC content

This is meant to be constructive feedback btw. I am not trying to get you denied. In my opinion, everyone deserves a shot at the Media role (If they meet the requirements of course)

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Thanks so much for your feedback @noriskss, I really appreciate it :smiley:


Of course! I feel like everyone deserves constructive feedback to improve themself! :heart:

Heya Minebender!

After reviewing your application and channel we’ve decided to unfortunately deny your application at the time due to the following reasons:

  • Your channel is a mix between normal YouTube content & YouTube shorts content. I would like to see at least an average of 1,500 - 2,000 views in the last 10 videos uploaded and/or MunchyMC content before considering your application due to how the YouTube shorts algorithm functions.

  • You currently only have one MunchyMC video which does not meet the requirements, please upload more MunchyMC content before I can consider your application.

Please wait 2 weeks before re-applying, if you have any questions feel free to message me!