Merging kits?

Hey there! It’s time for more ideas no one asked for or needed! So, as we’re all aware kitpvp sometimes gets updates. With these updates come new kits. However, the devs are going to run out of room for new kits soon, so what will need to be changed? Well, I think I solved this problem pretty creatively with merging kits that have overlapping/similar abilities such as viper and Hornet and bomberman and crossbow. You could also give them cool nicknames such as:Viper + Hornet = Venom Hornet or Bomberman + Crossbow = Hawkeye (based off of the marvel character) realistically, this reinvents kitpvp by making room for new kits whilst keeping the old ones, as well as giving kits actually cool nicknames for once. @ZombieBot1 i did my homework this time, didn’t find any topic which had the same idea as this prove me wrong. The only downside I could see with this is some of the merged kits would be kinda broken and would need testing to make sure these kits aren’t completely overpowered and would need to rework some of the attributes of these kits. Other than that please let me know any feedback you have for this idea!

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(In reality this idea was from a while ago and yours is much more recent. Don’t stop yourself from coming up with new ideas just because they might have been thought of before. We always like to hear input!)


I have been proven wrong, apparently a reply from over 4 years ago existed. (Also I’m aware that ideas can be refreshed however it would be nice to have an idea for once that no one has heard before)

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Yeah, let’s merge tank and ninja!


are you genuinly okay

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