MemeDank70's Event Application July 2022

Thanks a ton @oTortle it means a lot!!

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Very active and very cool and would be a good event member

Good luck!

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Thank you very much @Ironnose <3

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Hello Meme. The fact that I wasn’t included in this one makes me just a little bit sad.

+1 of course, you’ve been one of my day ones. I will never forget the memories with you and the STARS clan. You have knowledge on the event team and their commands since you have good relations with many team members and when I was a team member I always tp’ed you to the event world so you could check out my builds and have fun. You know Munchy and its events inside and out. You have heavily impacted many people experience and you, of all people, deserve this role. I love you dawg, I had so many fun moments with you and I’ll remember them fr. Good luck dude, you deserve it.

  • DrakeOfStars
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@DrakeOfStars I’m sorry I forgot to add you :cry:

The memories I had with you will never be forgotten, and you honestly man were my favorite member and it will stay that way. I’m sad that you aren’t able to be active and I wish you could be.

Thanks for the feedback you’re now added.

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There’s a couple things I noticed when reading this application that I wanted to bring to your attention.

The way you pitched this is clever but what it says in plain text is that you want to be Staff. And that’s it. If I was the one deciding here I would probably expect answers like “Providing fun experiences” or “Giving back to the community”. But what you said was that you want to be on the Event team to be on the Staff team. That doesn’t make sense and it reads as incredibly shallow to me. It shows evidently that you don’t care about being Event but rather want to use it as a stepping stone and leverage it when you try to become Staff. That’s not how this works and I would hope that Bears and the rest of the team take this into account. Of course I’m not them and I don’t know how they will interpret this. I’m just letting you know from my perspective how I see it.

Listen man I’ve never met you before or talked to you or anything but I can already tell you’re one of those people who some would call a “staff tryhard” or “minimod”. All I had to do was click on your forums card and everything I need to know is right here:


I’m going to tell you in the simplest way how to fix this.

Stop coming onto this server everyday thinking “How am I going to become staff?”

Instead, you should be thinking “How am I going to contribute to this community?”

You will find that if you just focus on being the best person you can be by participating in the server in a meaningful way, you will achieve things the RIGHT way. For now, you read as someone who is incredibly fake and only wishes to get a Staff rank.

Being in Band during the school year isn’t a weakness. The question is asking about you. You answered the strength correctly but need to apply it to a weakness as well. The question is gauging what you feel like you fall short on in relation to the position you are applying for. It is a common question posed in almost all applications and interviews you will ever find yourself in.

I think you know what to do but if you want more information on this you should read this article:

Now before I conclude, there is something I think you did particularly well at. You answered “What sets you apart from other applicants?” by listing qualities and then reinforcing those statements with evidence. I think your application is outstanding in that regard.

The problem I have with this however is that it’s outstanding for the wrong reason. Because you’ve revealed in your own writing that your motive is that you just want it to get a leg up. At least we know you’re honest like you said.

You need to take your goal and guide it in a more genuine direction.

You need to stop this kind of thinking.


@CatTech I took what you said, reworded some of my questions and really thought about what you said. The feedback you gave me was unbelievable and I haven’t seen anything like this.

I didn’t really take into account the perspective of an outside viewer reading this, reading what I had said on the question “Why do you want to be on the event team?” seemed a little self-centered and selfish the way I worded it I believe, I fixed my answer on that question to something that is better.

I also changed my response to the weakness, it is something that does make more sense to me.

The main thing I really got from your feedback was mindset, when writing the application I was really trying to set out the future goals after applying for this position not the more current ones. You’re right I was trying to apply for this rank really to get staff, but I completely forgot this is EVENT team not and not STAFF team and I need to think more about NOW and not LATER.


YES can we make this like the motto of staff season
Too many people restrict themselves to become ‘the perfect staff member’ when actually they’d be a lot better off just being themselves. Being staff is a LOT more fun when you’re not just acting like the perfect staff member, and can actually have fun and show your real personality.
Trust me, your application will be a lot better off too.
(by the way, what I’m saying isn’t targeted at you Meme, it applies to anyone reading)