Media Team Application

**~Channel link:PlasmaLazzaar - YouTube
Hey Im Plasma I was former Media member and im here to reapply and give it another shot

**~Number of subs/followers: I Have 300 Subscribers of Youtube And 182 On twitch

**~Average number of views/viewers last 10 videos and/or streams: My Average Viewer Count ranged from 11-400

**~How long you have been creating content for Munchy and/or other servers?:I Started Creating Munchymc content in 2019 on my old channel and still stream On their Here and there

**~Servers for which you have created content:Munchymc.PvP Land Hypixel Mineplex(rip) Minemenclub

**~Why would you like to join the Media Team?When I Originally Joined the media team it really motivated me to keep going and grow on youtube since then i have grown over 437 subs if you count both channels and twitch and i feel like i couild go far if given the chance again.PlasmaLazzaar - YouTube What makes you a good candidate for the team:I Would be able to Stream On Saturdays 2pm-8pm events and Woolwars and try to give this server a great rep (even though im sure it has a great rep) in closing this is my media app

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With the 0 authority I have, I personally deny this application. Have a wonderful day.

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Average is usually one number but over 10 is good! Your applications format makes me vomit though but I think you’re qualified.

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understandable thanks for the critism

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Feedback actually.

Unfortunately I will have to deny your application as you do not meet our requirements.
Please wait at least 2 months before re-applying!