Media Rank - Youdy_YT

Channel link:

Number of subs: 1,538

Average number of views per vid: 100-150 ( I will put more work into videos, as you can see it gets more views if I actually upload good content instead of a montage. ) My channel is slowly coming back to life, as I have left it for a long time and starting to make content again.

How long you have been creating content for Munchy or other servers: 2 years for munchy, 6 years for other servers.

Servers for which you have created content: Hypixel, PvPDojo, a bunch of kitpvp servers (shutdown), McPvP, Badlion, Kohi, Lunar, minemen, and countless more!

What do you feel would make you a good candidate for Media on MunchyMC? I am slowly coming back and creating content for minecraft, and I see Munchy as a great server to record on, as It has a good community, and there are events which serve for good videos. I will use my Media rank to host events and participate in them, and creating content in the process. I have fun, and put up videos for munchymc players to enjoy! Thank you.

+1 Seems like you have been in the community for a while and produces good content

-1 Doesn’t do real fights.

-1 you need to fix your immaturity and toxicity. It’s really bad honestly.

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I believe you would be a great fit for the Media rank since your video quality is pretty good (and your refills are so satisfying to watch). My only concern would be your toxicity in public chat. Work on that and you will be seen with that MEDIA tag in no time.

Yes, i will act more mature and become more friendly to chat. I saw that as a problem too.

not to be rude or anything, but you cant see something as a problem if you still do it.

he isnt toxic lol its called being energetic. no one wants to see monotone stuff alright bud. stop being a salty loser u sound like a girl no lie

shutup ur salty

Calm down man, it’s their opinions.

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At this time, you do not meet requirements for the Media Rank. Please work on your maturity in game too please.


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